Photo How To

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Henry Anderson  |  Nov 12, 2019  | 

Sometimes there's just no time to shoot a photo. Sometimes you're lucky to have 10 minutes to do a photo shoot and other times you're grateful to get even 10 seconds. (Those annoying celebrities sure are busy!)

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 11, 2019  | 

Let's face it: not every location is going to be ideal for a photo shoot. In fact, probably 99% of outdoor locations look dreadful for shooting portraits. (At least at first glance.)

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 08, 2019  | 

Have you ever wondered how to clean your camera's sensor? Is pesky dust on the sensor ruining your photos? Watch the below tutorial on how to clean your sensor from photographer Craig Beckta and your images will start looking crisp and dust-free.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 04, 2019  | 

Moody photos that conjure feelings of sadness, intensity and beauty are all the rage these days, but have you ever wondered how to shoot one that doesn't look fake and corny? If so, check out the below tutorial from Mango Street showing you how to capture just the right amount of darkness and emotion for an effective moody photo.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 04, 2019  | 

Hayden Pedersen is the king of sharing easy, fun and frequently crazy photography tricks that will help get your images noticed. In his latest video below, Pedersen shares five easy photography tricks in just fifty seconds.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 01, 2019  | 

One bit (pardon the pun) of tech info you may have come across in discussions about image quality and/or a camera's imaging power is bit depth. But what is bit depth and is it really that critical to judging the quality of a digital photo?

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 01, 2019  | 

If you've shot or wanted to shoot video and/or still photos using a stabilizing camera rig, you've probably been put off by the price. Camera rigs and stabilizing devices can be expensive and they're also a bit awkward to use. Not to mention, they're not all that effective in certain situations.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 31, 2019  | 

Shooting incredible color infrared (IR) photos is fascinating and surprisingly easy if you use the right tools and techniques. In this two-part story we first look at the conversion of a DSLR to shoot IR photos, and then later in Part 2 we explore everything you need to know to get great infrared imaging results (setting White Balance, Channel Swapping and post-processing techniques). Ready for some mind-blowing colors? Read on…

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 31, 2019  | 

What are the best camera settings for street photography? As usual, there are lots of opinions out there on how to set your gear to capture candid street photos.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 30, 2019  | 

There are few better ways to draw attention to your photography than to have one of your images "go viral." Yes, when one of your once-in-a-lifetime shots "blows up" on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, people are going to be clamoring for more viral photo fun from you.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 30, 2019  | 

Mistakes are bound to happen, especially for beginners trying a new discipline. So it's quite common if you're a photography newbie to do a few things wrong.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 29, 2019  | 

This image by photographer Adrian Borda will probably make you do a double take. At first, it may make you think of an ancient Egyptian tomb where, perhaps, King Tut was buried, with shards of light filtering in through precisely filigreed cracks in the ceiling.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 29, 2019  | 

There are no shortcuts to improving as a landscape photographer but knowing a few simple things certainly helps. And in the below video from landscape photographer Mads Peter Iversen, he shares five "secrets" he says you must know if you want to get better at shooting landscapes.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 23, 2019  | 

Reflection photos can be really striking. And reflections can be even more effective when shooting portraits because it creates a unique, eye-catching take on your subject.

Steve Meltzer  |  Oct 15, 2019  | 

I shoot most of my photos using the LCD screen on the back of my cameras rather than looking through the eyepiece viewfinder. I prefer the LCD screen for several reasons and I think other photographers should seriously consider how the rear monitor can actually make photography easier and your images better.
