Experienced photographers typically set their camera's Mode Dial to Manual or Aperture Priority for most of their work. But there's another option that's frequently overlooked and you'll learn exactly how it works and when to use it in the quick tutorial below.
Are you dissatisfied with the images you shoot of birds and other forms of wildlife? If so, you've come to the right place today. The video below provides a handful of pro techniques that are guaranteed to up your game—regardless the gear you currently own or the level of your skills.
Landscape photos with overexposed highlights are a common problem with scenes that include a wide range of tones that exceed the dynamic range of your camera. This tutorial from the Photography Explained YouTube channel provides a handful of simple tips for avoiding "those annoying big white patches in your images that are totally devoid of detail."
Masking is a powerful method for enhancing outdoor photos by balancing the tones throughout a scene. Unfortunately, this transformative technique is overlooked by inexperienced users who consider it too advanced for their rudimentary skills.
Do you understand the difference between Lightroom's HSL and Calibrations tools, how each one works, and which method provides the best results when processing different types of landscape and nature images? If not, this 12-minute tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel will clarify any questions you may have.
This Photoshop tutorial demonstrates a game-changing hack for transforming landscape images from boring to amazing faster than you ever thought possible. The technique only requires two quick clicks and barely four minutes to demonstrate.
Levels and Curves are among the most important and basic post-processing tools, but do you understand the difference and when one method works better than the other for optimum results? If not, all your questions will be answered by watching this seven minute tutorial designed for beginners.
There are numerous so-called "rules" of photography, and one of the most common is to always shoot at ISO 100 whenever possible. This notion is particularly prevalent among landscape photographers who strive for optimum image quality and the maximum amount of detail in every image they shoot.
Nobody wants soft photos and there are several ways to sharpen things up in Lightroom depending upon the task at hand. In this 5-minute tutorial from one of our favorite post-processing experts you'll learn to use Capture Sharpening and how this method differs from Output Sharpening.
This tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel will be really helpful the next time you capture seascapes or landscape photos from the shore of a lake. As instructor Christian Mohrle says, "This Lightroom trick will make water reflections "POP!"
Today's basic Photoshop tutorial from one of our favorite landscape shooters begins with this question: "Do you run into a problem taking photos when part of the image is in focus, like the background, but other areas like the foreground are really soft? And then when you focus on the foreground instead, the opposite problem occurs."
Lately we've increased our coverage of mobile imaging as more and more photographers occasionally rely upon a smartphone for "serious" work. The iPhone Photography School is a great source of tutorials—whether you shoot Golden Hour sunsets, everyday moments, portraits, or even expansive landscapes.
Adobe's post-processing tools are in a constant state of evolution, and some features that were a bust in years past have recently become far more useful and effective. Such is the case with Exposure Blending and HDR in Photoshop and Lightroom. This tutorial from Photos on the Bay explains how the process has evolved and why you may want to take another look.
Everyone loves photographing their pets, even if they specialize in other genres. And those of you who don't have a furry friend yourself will likely be asked by someone else to make a few portraits of theirs. After all, you own a camera, right?
Experienced landscape photo0graphs know that their job isn't completed in the field, because thoughtful processing is essential for spectacular and realistic results. This task requires using the proper tools in the correct order, but there's another key consideration that is frequently overlooked.