News And Notes

News & Notes

We welcome your comments on articles, photo and digital events, feedback on how we're doing, constructive criticism, and friendly advice. We reserve the right to edit for brevity and to paraphrase longer comments if necessary. You can send us letters by US mail at Editor, News & Notes, Shutterbug Magazine, 5211 S. Washington Ave., Titusville, FL 32780, or by e-mail at: We look forward to hearing from you!We welcome your comments on articles, photo and digital events, feedback on how we're doing, constructive criticism, and friendly advice. We reserve the right to edit for brevity and to paraphrase longer comments if necessary. You can send us letters by US mail at Editor, News & Notes, Shutterbug Magazine, 5211 S. Washington Ave., Titusville, FL 32780, or by e-mail at: We look forward to hearing from you!

Eyelike Announces "Best Of Digital Arts 2003" Photo Contest
The "Best Of Digital Arts 2003" photo contest is open to all users of Eyelike and ColorCam digital backs. The slogan of this year's contest is "elements." The term "elements" may be interpreted through still life and people photography as well as a broad range of photographic options. In addition to the four elements of
nature--fire, water, earth, and air--there are also the elements of chemistry that can be interpreted in different ways. The closing day for submissions is October 1, 2003. An international jury of independent expert editors will then assess and select the best 10 from the contributions. These "Top 10" will be exhibited in a virtual gallery at and

All selected submissions will additionally be represented in various professional journals and at "photokina 2004." On top of that, the winners who place First, Second, and Third are going to receive awards in the amount of 2000, 1500, and 500 euros, respectively. For the terms of participation in "Best Of Digital Arts 2003," visit or