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Ron Leach  |  Jun 04, 2024  |  0 comments

Expansive vistas often include a variety of tonal values that can make it difficult to nail exposure and get colors correct in the camera. This tutorial from the popular PHLOG Photography You Tube channel illustrates how to use Target Adjustments to achieve proper balance throughout the frame without merging multiple shots and time-consuming image-stacking techniques.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 07, 2023  |  0 comments

Too many photographers make the mistake of restricting their workflow by employing global adjustments to edit their photos. The problem is that these enhancements affect the image as a whole—thereby greatly limiting the results they achieve. That's because certain areas within the frame often require one approach while others call for totally different enhancements to create photos with balanced exposures and realistic colors.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 27, 2022  |  0 comments

Should you shoot Raw images or JPEGs with your camera? This is an incredibly common question from new photographers, and you’re bound to get different answers depending on who you speak with.

Henry Anderson  |  Jul 28, 2022  |  0 comments

We’ve sung the praises of using a 50mm lens for a while now including in this Shutterbug video that’s racked up nearly three million views on YouTube. Now another photographer has published his ode to the beloved “Nifty Fifty.”

Henry Anderson  |  Jun 01, 2022  |  0 comments

The point-and-shoot camera is dead? They’ve been saying that for years, especially as the popularity of smartphone photography grows and grows.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 01, 2022  |  0 comments

Easy-to-carry travel tripods are more popular than ever, as photographers have turned to mirrorless cameras and correspondingly small lenses to lighten their load. The challenge is finding an appropriately robust model that doesn’t sacrifice stability, quality and features—just to be small.

Henry Anderson  |  May 18, 2022  |  0 comments

We’ve discussed many times what the “Rule of Thirds” is in photography and why it’s such a good tool for creating visually appeally photo compositions but not everyone is a fan of the concept. In fact, some photographers think the Rule of Thirds might be ruining your images if you adhere to it too strictly.

Henry Anderson  |  Apr 28, 2022  |  0 comments

Is Instagram still a good place to share your photography or has it been taken over by annoying short-form videos, aka "reels," much like one of its main rivals, TikTok? Or to put it more bluntly, is Instagram dead as a platform for serious photographers?

Henry Anderson  |  Apr 21, 2022  |  0 comments

Not all the "truisms" you hear about photography are actually true. In fact, many of these axioms are really just myths that you should either ignore or take with a grain of salt.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 30, 2021  |  0 comments

Do you really need an expensive camera to take great photos? That's the question portrait photographer Miguel Quiles tackles in the below video where he compares shooting with a Sony A7R IV, which retails for around $5400, with Sony's 24-70mm G Master lens vs the Sony ZV1, a compact camera that sells for just under $650.

 |  Sep 28, 2021  |  0 comments

Do you constantly worry whether your photos are getting enough likes on Instagram and elsewhere on social media? Do you find yourself always trying to create images that appeal more to a general audience than your artistic vision?

Dan Havlik  |  Oct 21, 2020  |  0 comments

Here's a thought-provoking video from Adam Karnacz of First Man Photography: is your photography fake or authentic? The crux of Karnacz' argument is that when you over-edit an image, it can sap it of its authenticity, making it nothing more than a manipulated photo illustration, not a photographic representation of a real scene.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 03, 2020  |  0 comments

DSLRS are old. DSLRs' technology is ancient. DSLRs are dead. You've heard all these arguments before on why someone would be crazy to buy a digital SLR with its antiquated flappy mirror system today considering all the advances in the current crop of mirrorless cameras.

Deborah Sandidge  |  Aug 31, 2020  |  0 comments

I have never doubted the power of black-and-white photography, and this conviction was confirmed on a November day in Boulder, Colorado.

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 15, 2020  |  0 comments

Everyone always talks about "the rule of thirds" being the key to composing a compelling image. And yes, it is a helpful tool to get you out of the boring photo rut. But what if there was something different and more effective to help with appealing photo composition?
