Lighting How To

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Ron Leach  |  Mar 26, 2025  | 

The Patrick's Boudoir Photography YouTube channel is a great source of information for those new to this unique subset of portraiture that relies heavily upon your ability to capture flattering, sensuous images that emphasize a subject's best physical attributes. The video below is episode #22 of an ongoing Two-Minute Series.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 13, 2025  | 

Nailing exposure can be be difficult once the the sun drops below the horizon, and one of the biggest challenges is controlling highlights for proper tonal balance throughout a low-light scene. This quick tutorial from the My Photo Journey YouTube channel describes the necessary in-camera adjustments in barely nine minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 12, 2025  | 

Boudoir imagery is a unique subset of portraiture that's growing in popularity as more and more photographers learn how easy it is to pursue with the equipment they already own in the comfort of their home. There's no need for a decked-out studio or complex-and-expensive lighting gear if you understand how to take advantage of natural illumination streaming through a window.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 12, 2025  | 

Here's a unique tutorial from bird photographer Shelley Pearson who treats us to an uncommon mix of information, gorgeous imagery, and inspiration for nature and wildlife shooters. In the next five minutes you'll learn how to unlock the beauty of backlighting effects.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 05, 2025  | 

The first step for capturing breathtaking images in the field is analyzing light intensity and direction to determine the necessary settings for achieving a balanced exposure. One foolproof method for accomplishing this task involves using your camera's histogram to get the light right every time without time-wasting experimentation.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 03, 2025  | 

Smartphone camera technology has advanced to the point that it's now long past time to stop looking down on photographers who pursue our craft with a mobile device in their hand. After all, with four billion smartphones capturing 73% of all images, it's time to embrace the power of your Apple or Android phone, and that’s the topic of today's tutorial from the My Photo Journey YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 26, 2025  | 

Dynamic range is a crucial concept in photography that describes the range of tones from the brightest highlights to the darkest shadows in an image. This comprehensive guide from the Hamed Photography YouTube channel explains how to enhance these attributes in the camera and during post processing.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 25, 2025  | 

Most beginning photographers are taught to shoot will the sun at their back and avoid composing scenes with the sun behind their subject. While that technique is super easy, it often results in photos that could best be described as snapshots.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 21, 2025  | 

Everyone loves a stunning silhouette, but do you understand how to capture one with precision? If not, stay tuned because that's what you'll learn how to do in this tutorial from the experts at C4 Photo Safaris— a group of guides, photographers and workshop instructors based in Botswana, Africa.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 13, 2025  | 

Many of us have busy schedules with jobs and other obligations that prevent from us being out in the field in early morning and late afternoon when Golden-Hour bathes the landscape with soft, beautiful tones. This means shooting in the middle of the day when high contrast and harsh illumination pose a difficult challenge.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 05, 2025  | 

Bird photography is a lot of fun, even if your don't consider yourself a wildlife expert. A variety of colorful species abound throughout the year and they're very easy to find at a local park, nature center, or even in the comfort of your own backyard.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 22, 2025  | 

Instructor Andy Parkinson is a National Geographic photographer and Nikon Ambassador who has traveled the world to capture stunning imagery under just about every lightning condition imaginable. He's also very generous about sharing the secrets to his amazing work that have earned him over 130 domestic and international awards.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 30, 2024  | 

Experienced landscape photographers understand the power of negative space when composing an expansive scene. This technique will also deliver dynamic urban imagery when shooting on the street, as you'll see in this eye-opening tutorial from the folks at New Ways of Seeing.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 27, 2024  | 

Whether the holidays bring out your “Humbug!” or your “Ho, ho, ho!” there’s one thing you must admit: it’s the most colorful season of the year. Except maybe for spring. And autumn. Anyway, all seasonal colors are just begging to be zoomed, blurred and pleasantly smeared. Smartphone users: you can play too.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 12, 2024  | 

Environmental portraits are a lot of fun to make, even if people pictures aren't your thing. One reason is that you don't need any special gear, or even a simple flash, if you understand how to work with whatever illumination exists on location. And this holds true whether you're shooting during the day or after the sun drops below the horizon.
