Henry Anderson

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 06, 2023

Ask any portrait artist to name their most important skills, and thoughtful posing will be near the top of their list. And that’s true for portraits of men and women, indoors or outside.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 29, 2022

Boudoir photography is really popular theses days, and we’re going to let you in on a simple pro tip for more pleasing results. Being just another form of portraiture, it’s odd that many less-experienced photographers ignore what most portrait artists consider essential to their work.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 20, 2022

Every so often we stumble on a unique approach to boudoir photography, and the tutorial below sure fits the bill. Namely, how to shoot flattering photos in the snow while keeping your model comfortable.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 16, 2022

Boudoir photography is rapidly gaining popularity among men and women shooters, as well as with their eager subjects. That’s why we occasionally post tutorials on lighting, posing composition, camera settings and more

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 22, 2022

Boudoir photography is like other forms of portraiture in many ways. Composition and accurate exposure are important, and precise focus is a must. But flattering poses are particularly critical when shooting boudoir because the ultimate goal is a sensuous result.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 09, 2022

Are you a lazy landscape photographer or does it just feel like that sometimes? Landscape pro Mark Denney argues that it's probably not laziness but a typical trap that some photographers fall into that could be slowing you down and making you miss the best shots.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 08, 2022

One of the most inventive portrait photographers on YouTube, Irene Rudnyk often shares engaging behind-the-scenes videos on how she captures her eye-catching images on a budget. The below video is no exception.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 03, 2022

Yes, being a photographer for a bikini catalog shoot is a real job. (Hey, somebody's got to do it, right?) So, if you ever find yourself working this "difficult" paid photography gig, you're going to need to know how to pose your bikini model to get optimal shots.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 02, 2022

One of the most common questions pro photographer Mark Denney gets from students at his landscape photography workshops is regarding focus stacking. If you've been curious about focus stacking but don't know where to begin, check out Denney's tutorial video below on "Focus Stacking Made Easy."

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 28, 2022

We get it. Not every photo you shoot is going to have eye-popping color or attractive dynamic range. But like a lot of things with imaging, you can fix some of your visual mistakes in Photoshop.
