Photo How To

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Ron Leach  |  Jan 19, 2018  | 

If you want to make photographs with impact, it’s important that they tell a story, and “speak” to the viewer. No matter how beautiful an image appears, if it doesn’t provoke an emotional response, you haven’t quite finished the job.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 15, 2024  | 

Over the years we've discussed why some photographs are more compelling when converted to b&w and how some processing methods are more complicated than others. And this holds true for landscape scenes, portrait photos, nature images, and other popular genres.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2024  | 

Earlier this week we discussed how to step out of your comfort zone by trying your hand at capturing dramatic high-contrast b&w photographs. We're following that up today with this post-processing beginners guide for inexperienced Photoshop and Lightroom users.

Ron Leach  |  May 16, 2024  | 

One key challenge when processing our images is to achieve maximum dynamic range to enhance details in shadows, highlights, and everything in between. This is important with color images and perhaps even more critical when processing b&w photos for maximum impact.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 13, 2024  | 

After all the excitement of spring and summer macro photography, when insects begin to disappear and plants start to wither, it's not uncommon for photographers to stash their close-up lens in the back of their cabinet. That's a real shame because winter provides a bunch of great opportunities if you take a different approach.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jan 03, 2019  | 

If you’ve been around cameras for a while, you’ve probably tried out the back-button focus feature. It’s definitely a cool tool that lets you focus with a button on the rear of your camera, before capturing the shot by hammering the shutter, but is it better than the classic method of half-pressing the shutter to lock in focus?

Ron Leach  |  Sep 25, 2024  | 

Fast and precise focus is a primary goal of all photographers regardless of the type of images they shoot. Today's your lucky if back-button focus isn't part of your repertoire, because this tutorial from First Choice Photo will bring you up to speed on this game-changing technique in the next 13 minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 07, 2023  | 

If you've never had the time or money to go on a photo safari, today is your lucky day. You don't have to pack a suitcase or pay for hotel rooms and expensive plane tickets, because the itinerary here is a quick trip to your own backyard. Apartment dwellers should pay close attention too, since the tips in the tutorial work equally well at your neighborhood park or at a close-by nature center..

Ron Leach  |  Aug 19, 2024  | 

So you finally tried shooting in Manual mode after listening to all the noise from so-called "purists" and surprise; the images you captured were far from impressive. What's up with that?

Ron Leach  |  Jun 16, 2022  | 

One of the challenges facing landscape photographers is dealing with the wide range of tones from deep shadows to bright highlights that often exist in outdoor scenes. With this broad dynamic range, high-contrast edges are very common.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 07, 2016  | 

If the name Mark Levoy sounds familiar, it’s because Levoy is the guy behind the Frankencamera, and he helped launch Google Street View. He’s also a former Stanford University Professor and has just put his entire digital photography course online for free.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 04, 2017  | 

If the used camera lens you see online is packaged with a leash and a bone, odds are very good that it’s a dog. But in the absence of obvious evidence, how can you tell a bargain from a bagel? It’s impossible to physically examine the merchandise before purchase. And you can’t always trust what you see in the listing photos. However, you can conduct a thorough inspection upon receipt. Here are 10 things to check the minute the used lens is delivered. 

Ron Leach  |  May 02, 2024  | 

We recently featured an eye-opening tutorial explaining why it sometimes make sense to shoot Jpeg images, and the best way edit them in Lightroom for optimum results. We're following that up today with this beginners guide to processing Raw files in Photoshop with Adobe Camera Raw (ACR).

Ron Leach  |  Aug 04, 2021  | 

Many photographers shy away from the one accessory that can make a huge difference in their images, both indoors and out. What we’re discussing here is supplemental light in its most basic form; namely the affordable and easy to use electronic flash.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 18, 2022  | 

A common mistake made by beginning Lightroom users is going a bit overboard when processing images. Sometime this involves over-sharpening, while other times it’s a heavy-handed approach to enhancing color.
