I wanted the photo to have a metallic look so I converted to monochrome in Lightroom and used the HSL sliders to get the tones I wanted. I then used the Topaz Detail 3 Feature Enhancement filter. The sky was a pure white overcast. In CS5, I cut out the sky and then put a radial gradient in the background, starting from where I estimated the torch would be.
—Mike Dingel
Boise, ID
© Mike Dingel
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The premise of “Talking Pictures” is that every picture has a story. We invite you to send quality prints (only) and a short narrative on why you took the picture or how, in retrospect, it brings up thoughts and feelings about the subject.
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Send submissions to: Talking Pictures, Shutterbug, 1415 Chaffee Dr., Suite #10, Titusville, FL 32780.
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