Outdoor Photography How To

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The Editors  |  Oct 01, 2002  | 

Maybe it's cold outside . . . but it's a great time to take pictures!

Winter brings with it some great photo opportunities. In many areas winter means snowy landscapes and snow sports; in others, it's just a somewhat cooler and slightly wetter time of year. Here are some winter-oriented photo tips that should help you add some nice shots to your portfolio, and have some fun doing it.

Lynne Eodice  |  Oct 01, 2002  | 




When photographing interesting cities, you'll find it very convenient to travel light—a point-and-shoot camera will free you to concentrate on compositions and allow you to respond more quickly to great photo opportunities. If your camera has a built-in zoom lens, use it at its widest setting for...

Lynne Eodice  |  Oct 01, 2002  | 





Photo opportunities are abundant during the fall. You can shoot great pictures of autumn color, carved pumpkins, or children dressed in an array of Halloween costumes. Days become shorter and the light becomes warmer, which accentuates the changing fall foliage. Besides photographing colorful leaves...

The Editors  |  Aug 01, 2002  | 





Electronic Flash : More than just spare light

What is an electronic flash unit? For one thing, it's spare light, conveniently packaged in a "little black box"—a compact, portable light source that enables you to take photos of many subjects when there isn't enough light to do so...

Lynne Eodice  |  Aug 01, 2002  | 




Don't put your camera away just because the sun has gone down—some of the most intriguing photo opportunities await you after dark. From neon signs reflected on wet streets to car lights forming streaks on busy highways, nighttime offers a special blend of color and excitement. Photos taken by...

The Editors  |  Jun 01, 2002  | 

More seasonal photo fun

Back in 1998 (July issue), we brought you "7 Hot Summer Tips." In 2000 (June issue), we brought you seven more in "7 Hot Summer Tips II." Now, to keep the biennial string going in 2002, we bring you "7 Hot Summer Tips III."

Summer is a fine time for photography. Days are long and evenings are warm, providing many hours of good light and comfortable...

Text and photography by Ron Leach  |  Apr 01, 2002  | 

Ask a group of photo enthusiasts what they have done recently to improve the quality of their images, and many will likely respond by describing the purchase of some fancy new piece of gear. Others may discuss the technical mastery of a new technique, while a few may credit a visit to an art gallery or museum for their newfound inspiration.

In fact, great photographs are rarely the result of...

The Editors  |  Feb 01, 2002  | 






Magic disks for the photographer

Photo filters can improve your photos, whether you shoot them with a pro camera or a point-and-shoot model, on film or digitally, still or camcorder. That's why filters exist. They're not essentials, but lots of serious photographers use them. Read on...

The Editors  |  Jan 01, 2002  | 

Here are 10 ways to get your creative juices flowing . . . and some great photos

1. Discover Your Own Backyard

If you put your mind to it, you can find lots of neat photo subjects right in your own backyard. (If you live in an apartment and don't have a formal backyard, don't worry—this assignment is about...

The Editors  |  Dec 27, 2000  | 

Winter is one of the most beautiful times of year, providing everything from sunny-clear to blizzards for the phtoographer to capture on film or memory card. Here are 10 ideas for you to try this winter.

1. A Touch of Color

Winter snow can be a beautiful photo subject, but a photo of just snow can be pretty dull. You...

Lynne Eodice  |  Oct 01, 2000  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2000  | 





Photographing wildlife presents special challenges, especially if you own a compact camera. You may not have the powerful lenses that professionals use, but you can still do nicely with a moderate telephoto setting on your point-and-shoot camera, if it has one. As with household pets, wild animals...

Lynne Eodice  |  Jul 01, 2000  | 





Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions that people have about scenic photography is the notion that the beauty of a scene will automatically be captured by a camera—all you need to do is simply point and shoot at random. After all, spectacular mountains or azure seas are awe-inspiring to...

The Editors  |  Jun 01, 2000  | 

Back in our July 1998 issue, we gave you seven hot tips for great summer photos. As summer approaches this year, we present you with seven more hot summer photo tips.

1. Bug Somebody!

Summer bugs can be annoying. But they can also make great photo subjects—challenging, and rewarding. Because insects are on the smallish side, you'll probably need some type of close-up...
