Raw 101; A Revised Primer On All Things Raw Page 2

Don’t be afraid to drag these sliders large amounts if needed. Unlike adjustments to noise, there is little, if any, image degradation or softening when using the Chromatic Aberration controls. The image shown in Figure 6.5 needed to have a +55 adjustment to the Fix Blue/Yellow Fringe slider to correct the fringing problems.

(Top): A fairly large adjustment of +55 to the Fix Blue/Yellow Fringe slider has reduced the color fringing in this image to an acceptable amount. (Bottom): The adjusted image with all color channels visible shows a much cleaner edge along the flower petals.

On its own, it may be hard to see what has changed. A side-by-side comparison of the image shows greatly improved definition between flowers and sky. Figure 6.6 shows the original along with the corrected image.

(Top): Before correcting chromatic aberration, the image has color fringing along the edges of the flowers. (Bottom): After the correction there is much better definition between flower and sky.

“Camera Raw 101: Better Photos with Photoshop, Elements, and Lightroom” retails for $24.99 and is available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com, and other booksellers. Signed copies are available directly from the author at: www.joncanfield.com.