Pro Techniques

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Roger W. Hicks  |  Sep 01, 2010  | 

The original reason for tripods was very simple. Exposures were so long that there was no alternative: no one could hold a camera still for many minutes at a time. The same remained true even when exposures dropped to a few minutes, and then to a few seconds. To this day, therefore, most people think of long exposures as the only reason for using a tripod. But there is a lot more to it than this.

Maynard Switzer  |  Sep 01, 2010  | 

In my last column I talked about fixers—the guide/translators who smooth the way and open the doors so I can get the photographs. They’re important when it comes to photographing people, especially when I don’t speak the language, which is most of the time. But while I don’t always have a fixer, I have my people skills.

The most...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 01, 2010  | 

The Yale University Art Gallery and Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library announced the joint acquisition of the Lee Friedlander Archive and 2000 of the photographer’s master prints. With this acquisition, the Yale University Art Gallery becomes the largest holder of Friedlander’s work by any museum, and the Beinecke Library becomes home to the preliminary work and...

Jack Neubart  |  Aug 01, 2010  | 

Tony Arrasmith is a master at creating composite images.

His attention to detail is what draws clients to his Cincinnati studio. A long-time ASMP member, he operates Arrasmith & Associates ( in partnership with Sarah O’Dell, who manages the studio and coordinates projects. The studio has...

Steve Bedell  |  Aug 01, 2010  | 

The first time I met Sam Gray was probably about 1975. I was a young photographer attending one of my first Maine state conferences and Gray was one of the program speakers. I can still remember how elegant and beautiful his images were. I also remember how he struck me as a quintessential southern gentleman. He was soft spoken yet exuded confidence. You couldn’t help but admire the...

Roger W. Hicks  |  Aug 01, 2010  | 

It sometimes seems that there are two kinds of photographers: those who bang their cameras and lenses around mercilessly, and those who baby them. The former see themselves as rough, tough, and macho; the latter are perpetually worried about the slightest risk of damage to their precious cameras.

Neither attitude makes a lot of sense. Yes, you need to be unlucky to damage a...

Jim Zuckerman  |  Aug 01, 2010  | 

Digital technology has revolutionized photography. So much has changed. The terminology is different, the ability to make our images perfect after the fact is a new concept, and the instant gratification of seeing our photos in a microsecond allows us to correct our mistakes on the fly. At the same time, the digital world is fraught with challenges, and photographers have never had to deal with...

George Schaub  |  Jul 01, 2010  | 

It’s pretty easy these days to do what seemed a monumental task in the past—create a website that makes navigation easy, displaying and selling images simple, and that does not require eight-weeks attendance in an HTML class in some bleak basement classroom of an adult ed evening program to get to stage one. True, there are plenty of browser and editing programs that can create a web...

Anthony L. Celeste  |  Jul 01, 2010  | 

The web has opened the door to many business opportunities for photographers that never existed before, one being the ability to sell photos via websites that specialize in marketing “stock” photography. Stock photography finds its way into a multitude of fields, including publishing, advertising, business presentations, and web design.

The stock industry has changed...

Stan Trzoniec  |  Jul 01, 2010  | 

No matter how light you pack, you always feel like you could add just one more item. Knowing photographers, if you can take it, you will. If you plan your trip correctly, you will save weight and not only make your outing a success, but be more mobile and comfortable as well.

With that in mind, let’s look at some “ounce saving” tips. Your...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jul 01, 2010  | 

The thing you’ve got to watch out for is the pilot who gets a little too into the photography.

It’s not a common occurrence, to be sure, but…“I had a pilot who almost killed me,” says Cameron Davidson, who spends a good portion of his time in the air shooting for clients and his own projects. “I have this strict rule:...

Jack Neubart  |  Jun 01, 2010  | 

One moment you can find him photographing people diving off a boat in Bali, the next focusing on a businesswoman returning to a hotel restaurant in Bangkok to savor the haute cuisine, and then back in his studio capturing a telling portrait. That’s the life of an advertising photographer specializing in portraiture, lifestyle, and fashion, as David Allan Brandt knows it.


Frances E. Schultz  |  Jun 01, 2010  | 

In the entry hall of our house, there is a picture of two young sisters. When the picture was taken, Marion was 14 years old and Helen was 7. That was in the mid-1920s. Marion was my mother; Helen, my aunt. Both are dead now.

The oldest picture in my family album is probably the portrait of Franklin Corbin. He died in Andersonville prison during the Civil War.


John Siskin  |  Jun 01, 2010  | 

I probably take more pictures of people working than any other subject. Since I am a commercial photographer this makes a lot of sense. I love taking shots of people actually working; they provide wonderful opportunities to see people involved in something they take seriously. You can often get shots where people really aren’t paying attention to you, just doing what they do. Work shots...

Steve Bedell  |  May 01, 2010  | 

First off, a brief description of what Facebook is, just in case you’re one of the few people on the planet who is not already a member. Facebook ( is defined as a social-networking site. It was originally designed by founder Mark Zuckerberg while he was at Harvard University as a way for Harvard students to communicate...
