Pro Techniques

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Tim Verthein  |  Nov 01, 2009  | 

Hopefully you haven’t thrown out your old TLR. I don’t mean your Yashica-Mat, or your Minolta Autocord, or even your Mamiya C330.

Hugh O. Smith  |  Nov 01, 2009  | 

Pinhole photography, long popular in Japan and China, has caught on with a vengeance here in the US.

Joe Farace  |  Oct 01, 2009  | 

Much of my portrait and fashion photography is done on location, but living in a place like Colorado the models (and the photographer, too) just aren’t always in the mood to stomp around in the cold weather and snow. That’s when a studio comes in handy. Some photographers just prefer having complete control over the lighting. Instead of the hassle and cost of renting a studio, why not...

Robert E. Mayer  |  Oct 01, 2009  | 

If you are relatively new to photography and have only digital cameras along with newer digital-oriented versions of major accessories, everything you have should be compatible and work properly together. But if you have been actively involved with photography for many years through the film-based era, you undoubtedly have older accessories designed for use with film cameras that you would also...

Jody Gomez  |  Oct 01, 2009  | 

“I’ve done the calculations time and again,” Gomez says, “and I couldn’t run my own site for anywhere near the cost.”

The photographic career of Jody Gomez started off simply enough, as a spectator parent when her son began riding steers. Frustrated by the poor quality of the pictures snapped and sold by another parent, Gomez began taking her own...

Jim Zuckerman & Scott Stulberg  |  Sep 01, 2009  | 

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from “Digital Photographer’s New Guide to Photoshop Plug-Ins,” a new book by Jim Zuckerman and Scott Stulberg. Zuckerman and Stulberg have created a comprehensive look, along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions, that illustrates the power of modern plug-ins for your work. In this excerpt they share the fun of working with Flaming...

Jack Neubart  |  Sep 01, 2009  | 

Don Dixon ( has always impressed me as the consummate professional. A contributor to two of my books, Studio Lighting Solutions and Location Lighting Solutions (Amphoto), he continues to produce a body of work that stands head and shoulders above many when it comes to originality. His digital composites never cease to amaze...

Jody Gomez  |  Sep 01, 2009  | 

“I’ve done the calculations time and again,” Gomez says, “and I couldn’t run my own site for anywhere near the cost.”

The photographic career of Jody Gomez started off simply enough, as a spectator parent when her son began riding steers. Frustrated by the poor quality of the pictures snapped and sold by another parent, Gomez began taking her own...

Jon Canfield  |  Sep 01, 2009  | 

Well, things have gotten much easier with Hahnemhle’s Gallerie Wrap. Available in Standard and Professional systems, the kits include everything you need to create a gallery wrap canvas print in about 5 minutes.

David FitzSimmons  |  Aug 01, 2009  | 

This emotional rush that comes with first seeing a waterfall—and then the incurable urge to find as many vantage points as possible around it—compelled me to begin documenting these secluded, sibilant landscapes. You see, I have always loved waterfalls. When I was younger, my parents loaded the three boys in the family station wagon, “the boat,” as we called it, pointed...

Chris Maher and Larry Berman  |  Aug 01, 2009  | 

Joe McNally is an expert at lighting big jobs with small flashes. Besides being a successful commercial photographer, he also spends a great deal of time teaching. His new book, The Hot Shoe Diaries, is a virtual how-to for setting up complex lighting using Nikon SB flashes.

Normally, when we do interviews like this, we also discuss in detail how some of the photographer’s...

Jack Neubart  |  Jul 01, 2009  | 

Working at Spiratone, Nick Koudis ( began his photographic career designing many of those wonderful gizmos made popular by my mentor, the world-renowned Norman Rothschild. Koudis brought his knack for developing clever and ingenious gadgets with him when he opened his first studio in New York City over 25 years ago. Back then we...

Fred Collins  |  Jun 01, 2009  | 

When I think about all of the photography equipment I have added to my collection over the years—cameras, lenses, lights—I would have to put my finger on the raw conversion window in Photoshop as probably the most effective tool I currently have for making my images look good. It has even lightened the load in terms of the amount of equipment I use for taking the shot in the first...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jun 01, 2009  | 

Dear Mr. King,
When I saw Chris Alvanas’s HDR (High Dynamic Range) photographs, my first thought was, they could be covers of Stephen King novels. They held mystery and more than a hint of menace; they suggested a story that would keep me turning pages long into the night.

What’s HDR photography? It’s a technique that makes possible...

Fredrik Froman  |  Jun 01, 2009  | 

When most people are getting their best sleep and the early birds are cuddling in their warm beds or having their first cup of coffee, low-light photographers get their best pictures. There is nothing like standing in a big city in the middle of the night before the city wakes up and shooting low-light photography. I love the feeling of experiencing something not everybody sees. If you...
