Nature Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2022  | 

It’s amazing how a basic tweak in Photoshop or Lightroom can make a huge difference in an image. Sometime all that’s required is a boost in saturation, while other times a bit more sharpness or contrast is what takes.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 11, 2023  | 

One characteristic of great landscape photos is an abundance of depth and dimension in the shot. Today we're featuring a remarkably simple image-editing trick that will help you achieve that goal. Best yet, this method works wonders with whatever software you use.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 06, 2022  | 

One of the most difficult challenges when photographing landscapes is balancing the wide range of tones from deep shadows to bright highlights that often occur in outdoor scenes. In fact, sometimes the density range is so great that’s it’s impossible to precisely exposure the image.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2017  | 

This is the time of year when many photographers pull out their macro lenses to capture close-up images of spring flowers and tiny critters. But as you’ll see in the video below from Nikon Europe, there’s a whole realm of other subjects that make for great macro shots.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 14, 2023  | 

One way to make wildlife and other outdoor subjects stand out is to shoot them against a clean background without distractions. While these are difficult to find in nature, there are ways to soften a cluttered background in post-processing. Today, however, you'll learn four simple techniques for getting the job done in the camera.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 23, 2024  | 

This post-processing tutorial is the first installment of a new series from image-editing expert Anthony Morganti whose transformative techniques are extremely popular among Shutterbug reader of all skills levels. In each of these videos Morganti will present multiple tips for users of Lightroom Classic, the Cloud version of Lightroom, and the Mobile version as well.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 24, 2019  | 

We've long sung the praises of super telephoto lenses. Last year, Shutterbug photographer Jordan Matter offered three reasons why he loves shooting portraits with a 100-400mm lens. And today, landscape photographer Mark Denney weighs in with his video below on why he thinks every landscape photographer needs a super telephoto.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 31, 2021  | 

All photographers have their favorite techniques and styles of shooting, But pros tend to have a few tricks up their sleeves, and in the video below you’ll learn four such skills that one acclaimed photographer says “you can’t ignore.”

Ron Leach  |  Apr 26, 2021  | 

We all strive for precise focus, no matter what type of images we shoot. But critical sharpness is particularly important with macro photography, and it’s not always easy to achieve.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 28, 2021  | 

We all strive to make images that stand out the crowd, and one way for digital photographers to do that is to create photos that look like they were shot on film. In the video below you’ll see how to do that in less than six minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 27, 2025  | 

Adobe recently celebrated Photoshop's 35th birthday, and the software has become more and more powerful with every update. That's why is so surprising that that after three-and-a-half decades Photoshop still lacks a simple, straightforward tool for eliminating those ugly color casts that will spoil image quality in a hurry.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 19, 2020  | 

Telephoto lenses can come in handy for landscape photography when you want to add some variety to your standard wide-angle scenic shots. Using a telephoto correctly for landscapes, however, can be tricky for some beginner photographers.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 01, 2023  | 

Ok Lightroom users, do you fully understand the difference between color grading and color correction when editing your photos? If you're not completely sure, the video below from the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom channel will straighten you out in a hurry, while demonstrating a quick and easy color-grading method for enhancing tonal effects and vibrance in Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 11, 2022  | 

One sure way to capture impressive landscape images is to mount your camera on a tripod and experiment with long exposures. This enables you to convey a sense of movement, with cotton-like clouds and soft, flowing water.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 26, 2023  | 

All frequent Shutterbug fans are familiar with the powerful tutorials we post regularly from the popular PHLOG Photography YouTube channel—each devoted to a specific post-processing task. Today's episode is a bit different because it reveals a foolproof workflow, rather than a singular technique, that's super effective for editing just about every image you shoot.
