Nature Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  Jun 13, 2023  |  0 comments

We featured a tutorial not long ago explaining how to make the sharpest photos possible in the camera when shooting nature and landscape subjects. Today’s tutorial from Camera Focus—a new YouTube channel based in France—takes things further with a method that relies upon both shooting and editing tricks to get the job done with perfection.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 12, 2021  |  0 comments

Proper focusing techniques are essential for all types of photography, whether you’re shooting indoors or outside. This is particular true with travel and nature images that include a variety of elements from near to far. Do things right and you’ve captured a winning shot—otherwise it’s just another missed opportunity.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 04, 2020  |  0 comments

Good landscape composition is one of the easiest things to understand but, perhaps, one of the most difficult things to explain in photography. It's like that old saying: "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like."

Ron Leach  |  May 15, 2024  |  0 comments

There's no better way to learn than listening to a top pro explain the secrets to his success, and that's what you'll find in the following tutorial from acclaimed South African wildlife photographer Mark Dumbleton. His popular YouTube channel has the simple goal of helping other shooters capture better images in the field and make them look amazing.

Josh Miller  |  May 21, 2012  |  23 comments

Since the development of photography in the early 1800s, there has always been a strong tradition of photographers using their work to promote conservation and social justice issues. One need only to look at the development of the National Park System in the United States to see the impact early photographers had on conservation. William Henry Jackson, with his 1871 Yellowstone photographs, helped push through legislation that established Yellowstone as the world’s first National Park. Another well-known example of a conservationist photographer was Ansel Adams, whose tireless efforts both as a photographer and as a 37-year member of the Sierra Club’s Board of Directors led to the establishment of Kings Canyon National Park in 1940.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 26, 2024  |  0 comments

One big challenge for all of us who shoot landscapes is creating order out of expansive, chaotic scenes, and that's why good composition skills are so important for this genre of photography. And one of the first framing techniques we all learn from the get-go is the familiar Rule of Thirds.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 17, 2023  |  0 comments

If you're a regular visitor to the Shutterbug website, you know how we feel about the so-called rules of photography; namely, they're often meant to be ignored. This is especially true when it comes to composition, as you'll see in the eye-opening video below.

Mike Stensvold  |  Nov 01, 2005  |  1 comments

Close-up photography--taking pictures at very close range--can provide a different outlook on everyday things, reveal details unseen by the naked eye, and turn common objects into intriguing abstract images.

The traditional ways to do close-up photography involves special gear: Simple close-up diopter lenses are inexpensive but reduce sharpness noticeably...

Ron Leach  |  Mar 21, 2023  |  0 comments

Last week we brought you the premiere episode of a free online photo editing masterclass from our friends at the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel. That one demonstrated Lightroom’s most basic tools.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 28, 2023  |  0 comments

Earlier this month we began posting weekly installments of a remarkable new 10-part Lightroom masterclass from our friends at Phlog Photography. Episode #1 covered basic tools for beginners, while Part 2 was all about using masks.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 04, 2023  |  0 comments

The past month has been special for Shutterbug readers thanks to the weekly installments we’ve posted of an amazing free Lightroom masterclass from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel. Part 1 covered the basics. #2 dealt with masking, and last week’s episode explained the finer points of using Lightroom’s Tone Curve.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 07, 2023  |  0 comments

Sunsets are among the most popular scenes photographed by landscape photographers, but sometimes it's difficult to get colors and exposure just right. In the tutorial below you'll learn several pro editing tips and pick up powerful free presets for getting the job done.

Ron Leach  |  May 30, 2017  |  0 comments

If you’ve ever marveled at a spectacular landscape photograph and wondered how it was made, there’s a good chance the photographer employed a luminosity masking technique in Photoshop that provides extremely precise control over post-processing adjustments.

Seth Shostak  |  Aug 09, 2016  |  0 comments

In real-world shoots, both camera and subject are often moving. Six generations of photographers have fought this problem in their quest for images as sharp as a zoot suit. And nowhere is this fact of photographic life more obvious than when you’re trying to freeze the movement of wildlife. Whether you’re bagging African megafauna or trying to capture backyard beetles, stopping the motion is part of the assignment. So how do you do it?

Staff  |  Feb 26, 2016  |  0 comments

Jim Graham captured this adorable image of a sleeping sled dog in front of a majestic backdrop during a trip this past summer to Greenland. The image was shot in Ilulissat, which is in western Greenland, approximately 220 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
