Photo How To

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Ron Leach  |  Feb 16, 2024  | 

The goal of today's video is to debunk a common myth that it's essential to always shoot in manual mode if you want to capture the best possible images. In fact, you may be surprised by why Aperture Priority is such a powerful choice for achieving consistently accurate exposures without fumbling around to change various other setting,

Ron Leach  |  Jun 12, 2024  | 

The headline above is sure to raise some eyebrows but you read it right. Photographer Deke McCelland says, "I've been using Photoshop since Day 1 and I never use the crop tool. Don't get me wrong, I crop my images but not with the Crop tool, let me explain."

Ron Leach  |  May 31, 2023  | 

Well, the above quote from image-editing expert Ryan Breitkreutz is about as emphatic as it gets. The reason for his enthusiasm is this: Adobe's recent Lightroom update included enhancements to the already powerful Tone Curve tools—with changes Ryan says are "insane."

Ron Leach  |  Nov 06, 2017  | 

Conventional wisdom is that if you’re serious about photography you should always shoot in the Raw file format and reserve JPEG files for less important tasks such as emailing and posting images on the Internet. But this ongoing debate isn’t going to end any time soon, and in the video below you’ll see why one pro says he’s shooting JPEGs more and more often.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 17, 2017  | 

Most photographers love their state-of-the-art cameras and premium glass, and they strive to capture perfectly exposed images from the best locations possible. But according to one top pro, all of that is meaningless unless you have the patience to wait for the decisive moment before snapping the shutter.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 24, 2018  | 

Those of you who follow our website know that Manny Ortiz is both an adept photo instructor and a very fine portrait photographer. Yet, according to Ortiz, knowledge, skill and practice is far more important that talent if you want to become a great photographer. 

Ron Leach  |  Jun 22, 2023  | 

Conventional wisdom has it that we should always shoot at the lowest ISO setting permitted by the situation at hand. But as you can see from the quote in the lead photo above, some pros beg to disagree. In the interesting tutorial below, you'll learn three reasons why increasing ISO settings can actually help you capture better images.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 02, 2021  | 

Conventional wisdom has always been that zoom lenses can’t compete with fixed focal length glass for most forms of photography. So when a respected pro asks, “Are zoom lenses just better than primes,” we stop and pay attention.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2021  | 

It’s unfortunate so many photographer overlook color theory. That’s because whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pro, even a rudimentary understanding of this concept can make a huge difference in your images. Moreover, a bit of knowledge about how colors work together will change how you go about the image-editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 19, 2023  | 

It’s not often we post a four-minute Photoshop tutorial with the power to prevent all kinds of frustration, but that’s what you’ll learn in the video below. In fact one highly respected pro insists “this tip saved my sanity,” and it could do the same for you.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 07, 2023  | 

There are numerous ways to employ masks when editing images in Lightroom, some more complicated that others, and we’ve covered many of them in the past. Today you’ll learn a short and sweet trick that delivers big results in hurry.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 06, 2023  | 

Most photographers would rather be out shooting than sitting at the computer editing their work, which is why it's great to discover a fast and effective processing technique that makes a big difference in your results. That's exactly what you'll learn in the straightforward tutorial below from the popular Photoshop Café YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 16, 2023  | 

Most photographers are always on the lookout for effective editing tips that shorten the time they spend sitting behind the computer. The goal, of course, is to finish post-processing as quickly as possible and get back out in the field doing what we all love most.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 26, 2023  | 

If you're unfamiliar with Lightroom's Intersect tool you're in for a treat because the tutorial below from the PHOLG Photography YouTube channel explains how to use it to easily create "insanely complex" masks. And that means photos with accurate exposures, beautiful natural colors, and much more.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 13, 2022  | 

Sometimes the photos we capture don’t appear as vibrant as they did through the viewfinder. That could be because of flat light, incorrect exposure settings, or a passing cloud blocking the sun.
