Talking Pictures
A Truly Canadian Game

While I have never been very good at the game, in fact I haven’t played since I was a child, there is a place in the heart of every Canadian for the game of hockey. And while watching the professionals is entertaining, two boys playing one-on-one on a frozen lake brings back memories of the days of outdoor rinks, frozen dugouts and lakes, and simpler times.

This particular photograph was taken late in the day on Lake Newell in southern Alberta while we had a group out ice fishing. I intentionally shot toward the lowering sun in order to get the silhouette effect. Many shots were required before I found one with the lens flare that was just the way I wanted it.
—Steven Klassen
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Technical Info: Photo taken with a Pentax K200D and a 12mm lens. Exposure was f/22 at 1⁄125 sec.
© 2010, Klassen Outdoor Photography, All Rights Reserved

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The premise of “Talking Pictures” is that every picture has a story. We invite you to send quality prints (only) and a short narrative on why you took the picture or how, in retrospect, it brings up thoughts and feelings about the subject.

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