Jay Abend  |  Jul 01, 1999

I have begun shooting digitally at home more and more, only because of the darned convenience of even a modest digital Ricoh camera. I have a moderately priced consumer megapixel camera that takes those matchbook sized wafer-thin Smart Media memory cards.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jul 01, 1999

You know those bookstores where you walk in and right near the entrance there's a cafe with seating for maybe 40 people, and there's a menu that offers dozens of selections, many of which you can't pronounce, and there's a rack of...

Darryl C. Nicholas  |  Jul 01, 1999

I love gadgets. In fact, if it has blinking lights, beeping noises or a flashing LCD display, I usually can't live without it. Years ago when I was working with a dichroic enlarger I discovered the joys of the EM-10, and I haven't been without one since. If you use a continuous-light...

David B. Brooks  |  Jul 01, 1999

There is a very real difference still between professional scans and what the individual user can achieve even with the latest and best personal scanners. To a large extent this professional level of scanning remains the realm of drum scanners and their...

David B. Brooks  |  Jul 01, 1999

When it was first introduced the Hewlett-Packard Photo-Smart scanner was an unprecedented bargain for the photo enthusiast. It was capable of scanning prints up to 5x7" as well as film, and it was a compact, convenient to use design. Now after...

Rick Sammon  |  Jul 01, 1999

Someone once asked me, when looking at the three-picture montage in this article, "How long did it take you to create your `Flying High' image?" My reply, "21 years," brought a look of puzzlement to the person's...

Joe Farace  |  Jul 01, 1999

A tree is a tree is a tree
--Max Sennett

That silent film pioneer may have been talking about why shooting movies on location in Hollywood was a good idea for the fledging film...

Joe Farace  |  Jul 01, 1999

"What me worry"--Alfred E. Newman

For many people, planning for New Year's Eve will be a little different this year. Instead of just ordering party hats, noisemakers, and your favorite...

David B. Brooks  |  Jul 01, 1999

This column will attempt
to provide solutions to problems readers may have in getting into and
using digital cameras, scanning, and using digital photographic images
with a computer and different kinds of software. Allq...

Joe Farace  |  Jul 01, 1999

Digital imaging is the next,
logical extension of the same type of camera and darkroom techniques
that photographers have been using for 150 years. The tools used for
digital imaging may appear to be different, but they...
