Ever consider turning pro? Then you probably are a whiz at f/stops, shutter speeds, lighting, composition, exposure values, and all the other technical stuff you need to know about to take great pictures.
A complete, ideal digital darkroom includes three basic elements: input from a scanner or digital camera, a personal computer with image-editing software, and output in the form of a photo-realistic printer. From my perspective the output is "the...
This column will attempt
to provide solutions to problems readers may have in getting into and
using digital cameras, scanning, and using digital photographic images
with a computer and different kinds of software. Allq...
Many photographs will have a white sky because the contrast range of the film was not great enough to capture the much brighter sky and show its blue color. This is especially true when shooting color negative film. Slide film--with its greater tone...
When I look at old photos, I mean circa 1910, not my high school yearbook, I marvel at how beautiful they are. Those old time photographers had things a lot tougher than we do now, what with large format cameras, slow film speeds, and no electronic flash.
Whether you are just starting
your photography career or ready to give it a boost, consider working
with nonprofit organizations. It is the best opportunity for creative
and cost effective self-promotion you can findtod...
It's a long way from
an elementary school in New York City to the pristine bird habitats
of south Florida. Though less than a thousand miles as the crow flies,
the two locations are worlds apart when consideredfig...
I mean, how hard can it be?
The subjects don't move. They pose patiently and endlessly. They
show up when they're supposed to and will pretty much give you
the same look today that they gave yesterday.Archit...