This new column in Shutterbug will introduce you to a new photographic or digital imaging web site each month. Some of the sites you will see are created by companies and others by individuals, but all will provide the kind of practical information that...
If you have ever used a darkroom to make photographic prints it is likely you have also used a test strip to determine the ideal exposure to make your final exposure. That method, of making a sequence of increasing overlapped exposures on a strip of...
For years we've been asking professional photographers a variation of the same question: what does it take to be a pro? We may ask, "What's the secret of your success?" (as if it were a secret); or, simply, "What is it that...
It was the longest mileage day in a multi-day bike tour of the California Wine Country and the Mendocino Coast and we had yet to ride a mile when the rain that had been threatening started to come down. At...
I have begun shooting digitally at home more and more, only because of the darned convenience of even a modest digital Ricoh camera. I have a moderately priced consumer megapixel camera that takes those matchbook sized wafer-thin Smart Media memory cards.
You know those bookstores where you walk in and right near the entrance there's a cafe with seating for maybe 40 people, and there's a menu that offers dozens of selections, many of which you can't pronounce, and there's a rack of...
I love gadgets. In fact, if it has blinking lights, beeping noises or a flashing LCD display, I usually can't live without it. Years ago when I was working with a dichroic enlarger I discovered the joys of the EM-10, and I haven't been without one since. If you use a continuous-light...
There is a very real difference still between professional scans and what the individual user can achieve even with the latest and best personal scanners. To a large extent this professional level of scanning remains the realm of drum scanners and their...
When it was first introduced the Hewlett-Packard Photo-Smart scanner was an unprecedented bargain for the photo enthusiast. It was capable of scanning prints up to 5x7" as well as film, and it was a compact, convenient to use design. Now after...