Joe Farace

Joe Farace  |  Jun 01, 2004

Digital back makers for medium and large format cameras happily search for the ultimate image-making machine. In my view, they may be cheerfully unaware that the devices they are busily producing may not have anything to attach them to in a few years because no company is making affordable, under $2000...

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2004

"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"--Edgar Bergen

Last year, Take Your Camera To Work Day was celebrated with a website ("...

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2004

Lucy Van Pelt: "If you have Aviophobia, you're afraid of flying." Charlie Brown: "That's it!"

The following is a true story. Some names have been changed to protect...

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2004

One of the few problems with digital image capture is you tend to shoot more photographs than you otherwise might if you had to pay for all that film and processing. Oh sure, I know that nobody's giving away CompactFlash or SD/MMC cards, but as the cost per MB for media continues to drop, we tend to...

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2004

Early digital cameras looked
anything like cameras. Can anyone forget Apple's QuickTake, a.k.a.
the AMC Pacer of digicams? With increasing competition from cell phone
cameras, savvy manufacturers haves...

Joe Farace  |  Apr 01, 2004

For The Love Of It
When I first visited Stanley Chan's website ( I smiled and so will you. The true definition of "amateur" is one who does something for the love of...

Joe Farace  |  Apr 01, 2004

Robin: "I want a car; chicks dig the car." Batman: "This is why Superman works alone."--from the film Batman & Robin

Joe Farace  |  Mar 01, 2004

Fashion photography is about control. It wouldn't be unusual for 12 people, in addition to the photographer, to be involved in a studio fashion shoot just to capture a single cover shot. On the runway it's different. You only have one opportunity to catch a photograph of a model...

Joe Farace  |  Mar 01, 2004

"I Don't Like Spiders or Snakes..."
--Jim Stafford

First there were viruses, then spam, now web surfers have to combat parasites that can hijack their Internet...

Joe Farace  |  Mar 01, 2004

"Is this the party to whom I am speaking?"--Lily Tomlin as Ernestine

There was some concern in various corners of our industry that not enough young people were becoming interested in...
