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 |  Oct 28, 2008  | 


by Roger W. Hicks

At this year’s photokina, held in late September in Cologne, Germany, we had numerous reporters covering the show; their full reports will appear in our January issue. As an addendum, Roger Hicks submitted an overview...

 |  Oct 28, 2008  | 
Pictures displayed are bright and readable from a fairly wide angle from center, and having a 4 inch LCD means editing and perusing is easy on planes, trains and, when not driving,au...
 |  Oct 28, 2008  | 

November 2008

On the Cover
This month be sure to read our special report on memory cards and memory loss. Despite what you may think, you can recover “lost” images and we show you how, so the next time you’re in the field and this happens you won’t panic. Speaking of being in the field, we have a buyer’sguide...

 |  Nov 25, 2008  | 

 Create Your Own Shutterbug Cover

by Ron Leach

Have your ever pictured one of your favorite photographs  on the cover of Shutterbug Magazine? Our new MyOwnCover program is an opportunity for our readers to do just that! You simply upload one of your images into our special template template, select some textto...

 |  Nov 25, 2008  | 

The Megapixel Madness Continues

by George Schaub

The recent surge on megapixel counts in all levels of digital cameras, from modest point and shoot all the way through advanced amateur and especially in pro cameras and backs, has users questioning the need for such massive files. Indeed, many have become concerned that their camera is nowpushing...

 |  Nov 25, 2008  | 

December 2008

On the Cover
OK, be honest, how many times have you printed an image only to become frustrated that the print doesn’t match the image on screen? The answer is probably more times than you’d care to admit. But don’t worry, that frustration is a thing of the past as David Brooks shows you how to get great printsever...

 |  Nov 25, 2008  | 

Low Light Exposure

Tripods and Image Quality

by George Schaub

It always surprises me how “light sensitive” digital cameras are, and how low the light can be and still have the sensor dig out detail. This becomes apparent when photographing in the shade, in late afternoon light, overcast light and even when the sun has setbelow...

 |  Dec 30, 2008  | 

Digital SLRs on the Upswing

by Ron Leach

A comprehensive new study from InfoTrends indicates that while the digital camera market is reaching a “mature stage” in it’s lifecycle, digital SLRs have emerged as an area of rapid growth within the industry while point-and-shoot cameras are heading toward commodity status withconstant...

 |  Dec 30, 2008  | 

Olympus Zuiko 25mm f/2.8 “Pancake” Lens

A “Normal” Lens with Unconventional Features

by George Schaub

The Olympus Zuiko 25mm f/2.8 lens, designed for their and other Four/Thirds system cameras, is a sleeper of a lens that offers some fun and interesting photographic options. Not only does the lens allowyou...

 |  Dec 30, 2008  | 

January 2009

On the Cover
This month we’re taking you directly to the show floor of photokina, the world’s largest photo and imaging show held in Cologne, Germany, every two years. As you’ll uncover while reading our reports, there is a lot of innovation coming your way in 2009. For starters, expect to hear more aboutthe...

 |  Dec 30, 2008  | 

The Technique Behind the Picture This! Assignment

Threshhold Command is the Key to Graphic “B&W Only” Look

by George Schaub

Every month Shutterbug brings a Picture This! Assignment to readers, which creates a theme and requests readers send in images to match it. The January, 2009 issue of Shutterbug saw thepublic...

 |  Jan 27, 2009  | 

Industry Perspective

Good News From Apple

by Ron Leach

Most of the news about Apple these days has to do with the health of the company’s Co-Founder and visionary Steve Jobs.  In fact, much of the buzz at the recent Macworld Conference and Expo in San Francisco concerned the absence of Jobs and the news thatApp...

 |  Jan 27, 2009  | 


Bringing It All Back Home

by George Schaub

Can Anyone Make a Camera Here in the Good Ol’ USA?

Can you name the last camera made here in the USA? I have been at this game for a while and am hard pressed to come up with an answer. You might think it was a Kodak, but they gave up the work years...

 |  Jan 27, 2009  | 

Fujifilm Instax 200

The Instant Camera Alternative

by George Schaub

When Polaroid dropped out of the instant camera business it left lots of Polaroid camera owners holding the (camera) bag. Without the dedicated film, Polaroids became instant paper weights, interesting items for the MOPO (Museum of Photographic Obsolescence.)When...

 |  Feb 01, 2009  | 

February 2009

On the Cover
This month we explore the fascinating world of black and white photography through how-to articles, portfolios, and digital options. We even show you how to achieve monochrome magic via duotones! In addition, we have a D-SLR Test Report special, bringing...
