Nature Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  Jan 10, 2023  | 

There are times you see a great scene while driving across town, or perhaps during a vacation, and the only camera available is your phone. So naturally you take the shot.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 22, 2021  | 

No matter how hard we try, there are often unwanted artifacts or tiny out of focus objects in images we shoot outdoors. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn two fast-and-easy methods for cleaning up your images with Lightroom’s Spot Removal Tool.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2023  | 

We all face a compromise when making multiple photos of the same scene. On the one hand, the more images you shoot the better the odds that you'll capture exactly what you want. The flip side of the coin is that the time you spend during the culling and editing process increases dramatically when you just lay on the shutter button and fire away.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 28, 2017  | 

Sunsets and many afternoon landscape scenes are usually resplendent in soft warm colors, and a typical approach to editing such images is to enhance those red and orange tones. This Lightroom tutorial takes a different approach, by emphasizing cool tones within a photograph to create a unique look that still appears natural.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2021  | 

Experienced wildlife photographers know that the power of an image often depends upon how an animal’s eyes are rendered. Out-of-focus dull eyes can really spoil an otherwise great shot, while overly brightened, sharpened eyes make the subject appear unnatural and crazy.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 10, 2024  | 

Today's eye-opening tutorial begins with a question from instructor Mark Denney: "What Raw Color Profile do you use when editing photos in Lightroom?" The answer from many photographers often begins with a blank stare, followed by something like this: "Uh, I guess I use the default or the Standard Profile."

Ron Leach  |  Jun 12, 2024  | 

Here a simple way to differentiate between knowledgeable Lightroom users and their less experienced counterparts: The former use local adjustment to maximize their edits while the latter fail to understand how these essential tools provide significantly better results.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 20, 2023  | 

Today were looking at another powerful new feature in the latest Lightroom update—one that delivers improved edits and a better workflow when working with compatible HDR displays. High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays provide greater brightness and contrast than their more common Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) counterparts.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2023  | 

Lightroom's recently updated Tone Curve is a powerful component of what Adobe enables you to achieve when processing photos. Unfortunately, this versatile tool is frequently avoided because some users find it rather intimidating.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 23, 2024  | 

Most photographers rely upon the Tone panel in Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) when processing their images. But guess what? There's a good chance you're not using these important tools correctly. In today's quick tutorial from the Photoshop Café YouTube channel you'll learn what you may be doing wrong, and the proper way to proceed.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 10, 2023  | 

One factor that differentiates great photos from those that miss the mark is achieving accurate colors that faithfully represent a scene. Last week we featured a primer with the best White Balance camera settings to use for various situations, and today you'll learn how to get the job done when fixing problem photos in Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 31, 2023  | 

Photography is all about maximizing light, and landscape photographers are always at the mercy of prevailing conditions. The quick tutorial below demonstrates how to make necessary adjustments in Lightroom when Mother Nature fails to cooperate.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2023  | 

We'll put it bluntly: If you're not making use of Local adjustments when processing photos, you're images won't meet their full potential. This is especially true with outdoor scenes with a wide array of brightness levels and color tones throughout the frame.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 07, 2018  | 

Long exposure outdoor photography can be quite a challenge, because considerable experimentation is often required to get great results. In the tutorial below you’ll pick up some valuable tips that will significantly improve your odds of success.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 15, 2023  | 

Long Exposure Noise Reduction is very helpful feature available in most modern digital cameras, including interchangeable lens models and many full-featured compacts. But as you'll see in the following tutorial from the Photo Genius YouTube channel, leaving this setting turned on by default will hold you back in certain situations.
