Here’s How to Add "Emotional Tension" to Your Photos to Give Them More Impact (VIDEO)

Sometimes all it takes to turn a good photo into something special is a slightly different angle, creative cropping, or an unconventional choice of lenses. In this quick tutorial, you’ll see how to really boast the impact of a photograph by including “emotional tension” in the scene.

In the two-minute video below, the folks at Mango Street feature images from photographer Aaron Tilley to illustrate how a bit of unexpected or uncomfortable tension can leave a lasting impression with those who view your work. The idea is to create photos that actually make people feel something.

As you’ll see in the video, we’re not talking about compositional tension here, but rather actual emotional tension that causes the viewer to anticipate what may have happened immediately after the image was captured. It’s a rather provocative approach to photography that, if anything, never results in boring images.

You can find more helpful tips on the Mango Street YouTube channel, and see more of Tilley’s work on his Instagram page. And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at @ShutterbugPix where we’re sharing our favorite photos from our followers.