Improve Your Street Photography by Waiting Instead of Walking for the Perfect Moment (VIDEO)

Photos ©Jonathan Higbee

Street photography is increasingly popular these days, in part because of all the small, high-powered cameras available for serious shooters. In the tutorial below you’ll learn why taking a “photo wait” instead of a “photo walk” may be the best way to get the perfect shot.

The video comes to us from the Phoblographer's Chris Gampat and Mark Beckenbach, and features NY street photographer Jonathan Higbee who explains his approach after finding a promising location: “I plant my feet and be as patient as possible while waiting for the right opportunity to arise.”

And you should be patient too, because while the video takes a while to get going, it offers some great tips for the next time you start stalking the streets with your camera. (The image above was shot by Higbee during the video.) You can find more interesting videos on The Phoblographer's YouTube channel. And be sure to look at our earlier story about a photographer who shoots the streets after dark.