How to Dodge and Burn in Lightroom with the Help of Luminance Range Masking (VIDEO)

You might already know how to do “dodging and burning” techniques in Lightroom to tweak the exposure of your images, but here’s a way to do it even better thanks to a special new feature called Luminance Range Masking. In the video below, Aaron Nace of Phlearn explains how to “dodge and burn quickly and accurately in Lightroom using luminance range mask.”

“No longer will you need to jump into Photoshop to make your subject’s highlights and shadows pop,” Nace says.

Watch the 7-minute video below where Nace walks you through all the steps for using luminance range masking to bring out details in your images in the “new and improved” dodging and burning in Lightroom. You can download the Raw images Nace uses in his Lightroom demo so you can try it yourself here.

Watch more of Phlearn’s great tutorials on their YouTube channel. Here are a few we have featured recently:

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