Here Are 3 Fun, Easy and Fabulous Photo Shoots You Can Do in 10 Minutes (VIDEO)

Looking for a little photography inspiration? Chelsea & Tony Northrup have a new video explaining three fun and easy photo shoots you can do in 10 minutes. And even more importantly, these simple photo projects will produce eye-catching images you can replicate again and again.

In the video, Chelsea leads the way while explaining the three shoots, which demonstrate wired and wireless tethering. The three photo projects are as follows:

#1 Sunset shoot using a strobe

#2 Waterdrop shoot

#3 Night shoot

It’s already Thursday, so maybe you want to start planning on how to do these photo shoots this weekend? You can watch more of Chelsea & Tony Northrup’s fun and educational videos on their YouTube channel. And here are three of their photography how-to video we have featured recently.

Photo Basics: Here Are the Best Camera Settings for Capturing Just About Any Scene Imaginable (VIDEO)

Wildlife Tutorial: Here’s How to Shoot Great Photos of Birds in Flight (VIDEO)

Clean a Camera’s Sensor Quickly and Safely at Home with This Pro Technique (VIDEO)