Here Are 20 Photography Tricks You Should Know Before Taking Your Next Photo (VIDEO)

Plan to go out shooting this weekend? Whether you're bringing your camera on vacation while traveling the world, or shooting photos closer to home, here are some great photography tricks you should know before you click the shutter.

In the below video from Bright Side, you'll learn 20, easy-to-understand photography "hacks" that will make your photos look like a million bucks.

"Remember your pictures should always tell a story," Bright Side says. "Help your model be the center of it, focusing on one thing only, getting the right angle by experimenting with them and never cutting off too much. Of course, you can take great pictures at any time of the day, but you can get coolers shots during the 'blue hour' and the 'golden hour.' The blue hour is one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. You get photos that have a tender blue cast to them. The golden hour is one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset. This is when the sun is really low over the horizon, and it makes everything seem kind of golden. Such soft light can make even the most ordinary street look different."

Here are Bright Side's 20 photography tricks explained in the video:

#20 Focus on One Thing Only

#19 Tell a Story

#18 Don't Be Shy

#17 Hold Something

#16 Avoid Straight Lines

#15 Sit Down

#14 Be Careful with the Framing

#13 Avoid Tight Shots

#12 Turn Off the Flash

#11 Have an Object

#10 Try to Have People in Your Photo

#9 Don't Forget About "Special Hours"

#8 Bring More Light

#7 Use Direct Sunlight Correctly

#6 Play with Water

#5 Change Your Perspective

#4 Be Patient

#3 Don't Overuse Filters

#2 Use the 30% Rule

#1 Practice Makes Perfect

If you're interested in more quick photography tips from the Bright Side, check out this video with 12 Mistakes Photographers Make When Shooting Swimsuit Photos (& How to Fix Them).