Exploring Superzoom Camera Features

Because superzoom cameras—those chunky point-and-shoots that have zoom lenses that go from here to the Andromeda galaxy built-in—are so popular with our readers, we did something entirely new for Shutterbug. We created five separate superzoom how-to stories, each focusing on a single type of photography.

Chipmunk photographed with long, long tele at 1/25th second without a tripod. This combination usually results in disaster. Nikon Coolpix B600 Superzoom handheld at 1140mm zoom position, f/6.5 for 1/25 sec, ISO 125. ©Jon Sienkiewicz

The compendium consists of:

Sports Photography with a Superzoom

Flower Photography with a Superzoom

Food Photography with a Superzoom

Urban Animal Photography with a Superzoom

Farmer’s Market with a Superzoom

Please enjoy, and please comment!

—Shutterbug Staff