Crush Urban Photography: 5 Tips on How to Shoot Awesome Cityscapes (Pierre T. Lambert VIDEO)

You don't need to head out to the country to shoot landscapes. Actually, city folks can find great landscapes right in their own urban backyards. You just have to go off the beaten path a bit.

In the below video, travel photographer Pierre T. Lambert teams up with artist and photographer Coale Souder to explore some of Chicago's more wild, overgrown areas to teach you how to "crush" urban photography.

In the clip, the two find some unique urban landscape spots in Chicago that Lambert (who lives there) didn't even know existed. Watch the video where the pair share these five tips for "crushing urban photography."

#1 Find the Right Light

#2 Care About Composition

#3 Explore with a Friend

#4 Find Beauty Everywhere

#5 Shoot After Sunset

You should also go visit Lambert's YouTube channel for more great street photography and cityscape tutorials.