Business Trends

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Maria Piscopo  |  Apr 01, 2001  | 

With this column,
we will review three stages for getting the money for your photography
services. We'll look at how to use an industry standard contract
with terms and conditions of payment, discuss making agreements with...

Maria Piscopo  |  Mar 01, 2001  | 

Recognize that
making images is a complicated and evolving process, whether it's
via the digital or traditional route. "Going digital" from your perspective
is no longer an issue or even a simple choice of just digitalcap...

Maria Piscopo  |  Jan 01, 2001  | 

Sales calls are not dead
but they are different. It seems that non-personal marketing appears to
have taken over personal sales calls in today's self-promotion mix.
Everyday you read about the extensive use of photographers' web

Maria Piscopo  |  Dec 01, 2000  | 

Your reality check for next
year is "in the mail" and to make sure it doesn't bounce come January
1, 2001, let's review some of the important topics we discussed this year.
They are: stock photography, new media clients, digital technology, and...

Maria Piscopo  |  Nov 01, 2000  | 

Being a profitable photography
business means dealing with pricing more successfully than you have been.
The problem seems to be that pricing brings out feelings of hesitancy,
doubt, and uncertainty in many creative professionals--photographersincluded.

Maria Piscopo  |  Sep 01, 2000  | 

Getting published is probably the most overlooked area of self-promotion,
yet for the low (or no) cost, it has very high rewards. The goal of the
publicity is not to sell your photography services.Your...

Maria Piscopo  |  Aug 01, 2000  | 

The Beginners Method.
You'll need three trays; a black and white enlarger; a red, green, and
blue filter; some of the special, ambient temperature, color chemicals;
and, of course, some color printing paper.

Maria Piscopo  |  Jul 01, 2000  | 

Marketing on the World Wide
Web has become a very popular subject among photographers. I am always
asked about the topic when teaching my seminars and workshops. This
column is a gathering of information from a survey...

Maria Piscopo  |  Jun 01, 2000  | 

Travel photography is a specialty
and a passion. Most photographers love to travel, and many pursue assignments
for the access to people and places to shoot for stock. It is often
the after-market sales that bring inth...

Maria Piscopo  |  Apr 01, 2000  | 

The Sandra David project began in 1992 when David Rigg and Sandra Crebbin formed a company for marketing their fine art images in galleries and in print.

David G. Rigg is a former Navy photographer with secondary training as a...

Maria Piscopo  |  Mar 01, 2000  | 

One of the pioneers in the
business of digital technology is J.W. Burkey. He operates an eight-person
studio out of Dallas, Texas, and now works with his wife, Cathy, who
has worked as an art buyer and a stock photoedit...

Maria Piscopo  |  Feb 01, 2000  | 

New media technology provides one of the most important industry changes in the photography marketplace. It is important because it creates many new job opportunities for photographers who know how and where to look for the work. It is important because...

Maria Piscopo  |  Nov 01, 1999  | 

You learned in photography
classes about producing images--traditionally and digitally. Now,
you want to make some money from your investment of time, energy, and
money. You enjoy making images and want more thanth...

Maria Piscopo  |  Sep 01, 1999  | 

Whether you are just starting
your photography career or ready to give it a boost, consider working
with nonprofit organizations. It is the best opportunity for creative
and cost effective self-promotion you can findtod...
