Jon Sienkiewicz

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 05, 2015

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize a batch of images simply by right-clicking them and selecting their new dimensions from a menu? Windows users now can—even on 64-bit machines running Windows 8.1.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 29, 2015

Some discouraged photographers complain and say they can’t get good shots because they don’t have the time or funds to travel to exotic, photogenic places. Sorry to rain on their pity party, but everyone can get decent images without a travel budget. Here are a couple projects you can start on tonight, as soon as it gets dark.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 21, 2015

For centuries, scientists have labored to understand the nature of light. Some ancient Greeks believed that light was emitted from the eyeball the same way a bat sends out an echolocation chirp which allows him to determine his precise position in physical space. Understandably, there were problems with that hypothesis. Other theories followed. Those who embraced the wave theory were right—mostly. Light behaves like a wave up to a certain point. Similarly, those who professed the particle theory were also correct—partly.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 15, 2015

Remember Altman Camera? This year marks the 40th anniversary of Altman’s closing. Why was it important? Because when it closed in May of 1975, Altman’s was the largest camera store in the world. And Altman’s stocked everything. Not just a lot of stuff, everything

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 08, 2015

Free lenses. That’s right. They’re everywhere. And that’s not just my cabin fever yapping. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 19, 2014

Photographers depend on the physical characteristics of light to apply their craft, yet the average Joe knows surprisingly little about how light works. It’s not necessary to be an optical engineer to take great photos, but having a basic grounding in the physics of light could help you understand some of the defects found in nearly all lenses (to one degree or another) and the effect that imperfections have on images.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 18, 2014

You all know the story of Jim Domke, the Philadelphia photojournalist who nearly 40 years ago (1975) developed a camera bag to suit his own needs and in the process created a product family that’s sold nearly one million units and is used by photographers around the world. If you stay interested in photography long enough, sooner or later you’ll own a Domke. Or two. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 10, 2014

Whether the holidays bring out your “Humbug!” or your “Ho, ho, ho!” there’s one thing you must admit: it’s the most colorful season of the year. And all of those colorful lights are just begging to be zoomed, blurred and pleasantly smeared. Here are two common techniques that are easy to try.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 03, 2014

Beware of these popular (and rightfully awesome) compact camera features that can ruin your holiday pics. Here are some tips about outsmarting technology to improve your photos. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 28, 2014

You know better than to carry a camera in your trouser pocket, but who wants to look like they’re wearing a goofy fanny pack? Manfrotto offers what is arguably the best compact camera belt pouch ever made. Best looking, too. Want to know why I think so?
