Jon Sienkiewicz

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 14, 2015

Last week we listed seven ways to improve picture taking at indoor school events. This week the focus shifts to outdoor school activities. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from applying these tips to other situations—family reunions, company picnics, county fairs—almost anything outside that’s fun, loud and involves people. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 07, 2015

I saw you in the high school gym last night, clicking away with your DSLR and long telephoto zoom. You weren’t obnoxious like the lady behind you who kept firing her point-and-shoot—with flash—from fifty feet away, or the couple who held their cell phones high above their heads (they were either shooting video, playing 3D Candy Crush or signaling their alien Mother Ship, I couldn’t tell which). But I felt sorry for you, because I could tell that your photos would turn out crappy. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 04, 2015

You don’t need three magic wishes to make your Mac or PC more digital photography-friendly. Here are five ways anyone can upgrade their computer to improve the speed and efficiency of Photoshop, expand storage space for all those Raw image files, add room for unlimited back-ups of your photo archive and make the whole shebang more secure—without touching a screwdriver.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 30, 2015

There’s an old saying that locks only keep honest people honest. If you ask me, that’s some BS spin a locksmith cooked up to explain why thieves cut through his deadbolt like it was licorice. If a lock cannot deter a bad guy, what’s the point?

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 23, 2015

Just as certain as the crocus and grape hyacinth that burst on the scene seemingly from nowhere, another sure sign of spring is my reliance on a few familiar gadgets to help me celebrate the season. Here are three of the accessories I’d be hard pressed to do without.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 16, 2015

An effective camera support that could be used as a pillow when you snooze in the back of your pickup truck in a pinch? Hard to believe? Take my word for it—this thing is as sensible as it is functional. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 09, 2015

Sadly, photography is replete with abbreviations, from AE to WB and from PMA right up to DSLR. I believe that collectively they cause AC (Avoidable Confusion) for all, including those who are DC (Digitally Competent). Are you sick and tired of them, too? Read on!

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 02, 2015

When the folks at Fotodiox asked me if I wanted to look at one of their FlapJack portable LED studio lights, I told them “no.” 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 26, 2015

In the spring, the hardcore photographer’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of—what exactly? 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 19, 2015

You may think that the main appeal of Tenba’s new line of Switch camera bags is the assortment of flaps that can be zipped on to replace the standard leather-like top. Choose from denim, urban camo, brick red—check Tenba’s website for all the flavors. But even without the far-out fashion flair, these bags are the real deal. 
