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Dan Havlik  |  Oct 03, 2018  |  1 comments

Travel photographer Pierre T. Lambert recently broke his Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 GM lens and rather than take it to an authorized repair shop, he decided to open it up and see what was broken inside the $2,300 lens. Smart move? Probably not but, luckily for us, he shot a video of the lens teardown, which we have embedded below.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 10, 2021  |  0 comments

Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop are constantly evolving to make these image-editing applications more powerful and easier to use. There is often an abundance new tools, a simplified workflow, and improvements in performance and speed.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 03, 2022  |  0 comments

When configuring a camera, some photographers either ignore the Color Space menu or consider the options a “set-it-and-forget-it” choice. And that’s a big mistake, because this simple setting has a big impact on how images appear on a computer monitor and when used for various purposes.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 20, 2017  |  0 comments

One important, yet frequently overlooked, consideration when processing images, is choosing the proper file format for the task at hand. And as you’ll see in the video below, the correct decision isn’t as obvious as you may think.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 31, 2017  |  0 comments

We regularly post portrait tutorials, and they typically involve shooting and posing techniques, lighting guidelines, and image-editing tips. In the video below, you’ll get one pro’s take on the best focal length lens for creating pleasing results.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 14, 2017  |  0 comments

If you’re shopping for a portrait lens, or just trying to figure out which lens you own is best for people pictures, we encourage you to watch this video from AdoramaTV before making a decision. Phoenix-based pro Mark Wallace offers an interesting perspective that may challenge some of your preconceptions.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 22, 2021  |  0 comments

A lot goes into making captivating portraits, and we regularly post tutorials on lighting techniques, camera settings, and how to pose and direct models. Today’s episode has a narrower focus; namely, taking a look at how lenses of three popular focal lengths perform with regard to several important imaging characteristics.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 10, 2021  |  0 comments

There are various file formats for saving images, and more than a bit of confusion regarding which one to use. And while everyone seems to have their own process, some choices can be detrimental to layered images and your workflow in general.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 18, 2022  |  1 comments

Upscaling photos is a common task, and there are a variety of ways to get the job done. Discussions about which method to use, however, typically revolve around how images look on the computer screen at 100% or more.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 10, 2018  |  0 comments

Professional photographer Michael Sasser gets a lot of questions from aspiring pros, including two that are the most common: 1) How do I find models?; 2) Who is getting paid, me or the model?

Ron Leach  |  Mar 09, 2018  |  0 comments

Focusing speed and precision are key considerations when buying a new camera. Some models use a phase-detection autofocus (AF) system, while others use contrast-detection AF, and some offer the advantages of both.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 12, 2017  |  0 comments

Many photographers are confused by the concept of “bit depth” and how it translates into image quality—particularly when making prints. The two-minute video below from CanonUSA explains the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit output and why it’s important to understand.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 28, 2022  |  0 comments

Photography is no different than other creative pursuits, in that mistakes happen regardless of one’s skills. That’s often true with exposure, particularly under difficult lighting conditions. 

Ron Leach  |  Nov 17, 2022  |  0 comments

Many landscape photographers never leave home without a polarizing filter, and consider this simple accessory almost mandatory for everything they do. But as you see in the eye-opening tutorial below, one pro says polarizers may detract from an image in certain situations—depending on the specific scene at hand and the mood you want to create.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 26, 2023  |  0 comments

It’s not uncommon for photographers to adopt a “set-it-and-forget it” mentality when configuring their cameras, thereby ending up with photographs that aren’t as good as possible. Whether you call this habit lazy or uninformed, there are times when the choice of a custom setting results in more creative images.
