What’s the Difference Between Boudoir & Glamour Photography? Top Pro Michael Sasser Explains (VIDEO)

Professional photographer Michael Sasser gets a lot of questions from aspiring pros, including two that are the most common: 1) How do I find models?; 2) Who is getting paid, me or the model?

He’s also often asked to explain the difference between boudoir photography and glamour photography. He explains all that (and more) in the below video.

“I think there is a misconception about what boudoir is. A lot of people think boudoir is simply bedroom pictures in lingerie or anyone,” Sasser says. “If that bedroom picture is of a model, then it is actually glamour photography. Boudoir is an empowering form of photography for everyday women, not models—a chance for them to get a new perception or perspective of themselves.”

If you’re an aspiring boudoir photographer or glamour photographer – or you’re just curious about both as possible careers – watch Sasser’s helpful, educational video below and then go check out his excellent YouTube channel.

Here are three other boudoir tutorials you should also check out:

3 Pro Posing Tips to Help You Shoot Better Boudoir Photos (VIDEO)

How to Capture Flattering Angles in Boudoir Photography: Shooting Up vs Shooting Down

8 Beginner Boudoir Photography Mistakes & How to Fix Them, According to Top Pro Michael Sasser