Mirrorless Camera News

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Jack Neubart  |  Aug 21, 2015  | 

I didn’t realize how much I could appreciate a mirrorless CSC (Compact System Camera) till, after working with the Samsung NX500 for several days, I picked up my Nikon D610 DSLR and realized I was carrying a brick in my hands. Don’t get me wrong, though. I still love my D610 and wouldn’t trade it in for anything (not just yet), but the new NX500 felt like a feather around my neck and in my hands. Even when I added the relatively heavy 50-150mm S-series lens, the combo still left me feeling as if I were working with a lyre, not a harp. Admittedly, like the lyre, it’s not as full-bodied an instrument, but the NX500 still plays a sweet tune.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 13, 2022  | 

Outdoor photographers are known for carrying tons of gear, so they’re prepared for just about anything they encounter. We’ve addressed this burden in the past for landscape shooters who often hike great distances into the field, and for travel photographers who want to carry a minimum of equipment.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 11, 2013  | 

We all know how big a tomato is. If we see a photo of a GIANT tomato sitting all by itself, we have no idea that it’s bigger than its cousins. To convey the perception of size one must position the tomato near another object of known size—say, an egg or a walnut. Same is true about cameras.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 21, 2021  | 

Followers on YouTube are always asking photographer Pierre T. Lambert what his favorite camera settings are so in the below video he decided to share his "secrets." But first, he has a caveat.

Roger Cicala  |  Oct 30, 2018  | 

We published our teardown of the Canon EOS-R and then had to decide which of the Nikon Z cameras to do. We decided to go with the top-end Nikon Z7.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 09, 2022  | 

Selling your used equipment for the best price is easier and safer than you thought, provided that you follow these tips and deal with the right buyer. So if you’re considering weeding out a few of your seldom-used lenses or the cameras you’ve outgrown, have an itch to move up to mirrorless or maybe 4K video capability, or just want some cash, this story about MPB is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 02, 2024  | 

Photographers often struggle to consistently attain fast and precise focus, sometimes getting it right while failing on other occasions. If that sounds like you, todays tutorial will set you free by demonstrating a pro technique that that's easy enough for anyone to employ .

Ron Leach  |  Aug 21, 2023  | 

It can be discouraging for many photographers to see their well-healed counterparts shooting with a camera-lens combo that runs far beyond five figures. But one pro says you really shouldn't feel bad that you can't afford expensive gear, because it's possible to capture great images with bargain cameras and lenses if you know a few tricks.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 15, 2023  | 

Image sharpness is an interesting topic with regard to all styles of photography: On the one hand nobody wants soft photos, but at the same time you can really mess up a nice shot by going overboard during the editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 13, 2021  | 

Capturing sharp photos is a key goal for all types of photography, but achieving precise focus is particularly challenging when shooting wildlife and other fast-moving subjects outdoors.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 24, 2017  | 

Fujifilm reimagined the medium format photography game last fall at Photokina with the introduction of their 51-megapixel GFX 50S compact, mirrorless camera and three unique lenses to take advantage of everything this camera can do. In the video below you’ll see what extreme sports photographer Daniel Tengs was able to accomplish with the eminently mobile, large-sensor GFX 50S.

The Editors  |  Jul 09, 2020  | 

Canon just announced the much-hyped new Canon EOS R5 and Canon EOS R6 mirrorless cameras along with a raft of new photo products including several professional lenses and a printer. We talked to seven photographers who have actually tested this exciting new Canon camera gear to get their impressions of what these products are like to shoot and print with.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 11, 2024  | 

Unless you're shooting with a full-frame camera, crop factor is an important issue in a variety of ways. And to complicate matters, there are a variety of crop factors to consider, whether you're using an APS-C model, a high-end compact, a superzoom camera, or a pocket camera of various types.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 01, 2019  | 

The Fujifilm X-T30 and Sony A6400 mirrorless cameras have generated a lot of interest from Shutterbug readers. In fact, our reviews of the Fuji X-T30 and of the Sony A6400 are some of our most popular stories in the past few months.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 06, 2025  | 

It's a simple fact that some photos look more powerful in b&w, whether you're shooting landscapes, cityscapes, portraits, or other high-contrast scenes. And all modern digital cameras have a setting that enables you to do that directly.
