These Are the Top 3 Things Photographers Do WRONG in Lightroom (VIDEO)
We've said it before, we'll say it again: Adobe's Lightroom is incredibly helpful imaging software but it's also so powerful that it's easy to make mistakes. In the below video from software guru Anthony Morganti, he shows you the top three things people do wrong in Lightroom and then explains how to fix them.
"I've been taking Lightroom for several years now and over the those years I've seen people make a lot of mistakes," Morganti says. "In this video I'm going to share with you the three biggest mistakes that I see. I think you'll agree that two of these three mistakes are pretty obvious and one of them might not be so obvious and we're going to start with that one."
Here are the three most common mistakes photographers make in Lightroom:
#1 Bad Cropping
#2 Over-sharpening images
#3 Over-saturating images
In the cropping portion of the video, Morganti mentions a free crop ratio print chart that you can download from him for free here. Watch the full Lightroom tutorial below and then go visit and subscribe to his YouTube channel to get all of his photography videos.
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