Student Union - Bethany Pugmire

Photos 2002, Creative Images, All Rights Reserved


San Clemente High School
San Clemente, California

Available Light
Photography is definitely Bethany's career goal. When we spoke she was a senior at San Clemente, but when you read this she'll be starting classes at Brooks Institute of Photography. "I'd like to have my own studio/gallery someday," she says, where she'd be able to display her portraiture and travel photography. The photos here were taken in the ghost town of Bodie. "You're not allowed to touch anything," Bethany says, "so you have to use what you're given by the setting and the light. I've always been a person who sees something and thinks, that would make a really good picture. Now I'm learning how to make that picture."

Bethany Pugmire was recommended to us by Dan McIntyre, an instructor at San Clemente High School.

Do you know a student whose work deserves recognition? If so, contact our editorial department by e-mail: or call (321) 269-3212.