Picture This!
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Please Note
We receive hundreds of submissions for Picture This! each month and want to be sure we properly identify each image we publish. Please be sure to attach your name and image information to the back of each submission.

Picture This! -- Our Next Assignment

Patterns In Nature
When Fox Talbot, one of the originators of photography, titled his first book it was The Pencil of Nature. Indeed, one of the reasons he gave for his passion to create a photographic process was his frustration at being able to properly draw what he saw before him. Photographers understand that reproducing what the divine hand had made wondrous without a camera is nearly impossible and only a faint impression can be attained with brush or pen. Photographing patterns in nature not only yields fascinating subjects, but in the process can reveal the incredible intricacy and beauty of the world around us, and make us stand in awe of the power of the Creator.

Our Picture This! assignment this month asks you to participate in this appreciation and to share with others the miracles you can discover even in your own neighborhood or back yard.

This photograph of a leaf was made with a Nikon FM2 and 55mm Micro-Nikkor lens on Agfa Scala slide film.
© 2005, George Schaub, All Rights Reserved

Please Read
It is important that you read and follow these guidelines. We need to follow this procedure because of the large volume of images we receive. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at: editorial@shutterbug.com.

1) Images sent to us cannot be returned. You retain complete copyright over the images, but do grant us permission to print your image(s) in the magazine and on our website, www.shutterbug.com.
2) Because images are not returned please send a quality print or duplicate transparency. We will not accept or view images on CD, ZIP, or any other electronic media.
3) Images will be selected on the basis of content and technical quality. Please mark your outer envelope with the topic of the month (for example, "Wide View").
4) Enclose a short caption with the image stating camera, lens, film and exposure, plus location. If you are submitting an image with a recognizable person we must have a model release or signed permission from that person to reproduce their image in the magazine and on the website.
5) Please submit no more than three photos for consideration.

Send your image and information to:
Picture This! Shutterbug Magazine, 1419 Chaffee Dr., Suite #1, Titusville, FL 32780.
Deadline for submission: October 15, 2005
Images will appear in our January 2006 issue.
Our next topic: Outdoor Sports
Deadline: November 15, 2005
Publication Date: February, 2006