7 Simple Tips to Improve Color in Your Landscape Photos in Lightroom

Getting the right color in your landscape photos is key. Sometimes, though, you might need a little help, especially when working on images in Lightroom. Landscape photographer Mark Denney is here to offer some help in the below video, titled "7 Simple Tips to Improve Color in Your Landscape Photos."

"Interesting fact: Did you know that 'Color' has more available options to adjust within Lightroom than any other adjustment?" he says. "I think that's a real testament as to the overall importance color plays in photography. Color is not only good at catching the viewers' attention, but it's also great at creating emotion, depicting mood, conveying temperature and portraying seasonality as well."

In the below video, Denney shares his top seven simple tips for editing and enhancing color in photos using Lightroom.

"I don't use all seven of these tips on every landscape photo I edit, but I usually will take a look at each of them to see how each adjustment impacts the color in a specific image," he explains. "Color grading and editing is one of those things that can either make or break a photo and having so many different options to adjust color within Lightroom is fantastic for getting the best results possible from a color perspective."

Check out his seven tips in his Lightroom tutorial below and then go visit his helpful and inspiring YouTube channel for more photography videos.