Jon Sienkiewicz

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 29, 2016

Most bags are relatively easy to describe. Usually, one or two photos are all that’s needed to capture the essence of a gadget bag, photo backpack or other carrying system. But the Wolffepack Capture is unique and, well—here, you decide for yourself. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 22, 2016

Xpozer is a fascinating new way to create exhibition-quality photo prints from Bay Photo Lab. How good do they look? If Leonardo da Vinci had seen these…

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 14, 2016

Apple offers two models of the iPad Pro. On the surface (no reference to Microsoft intended) the difference appears to be primarily the size: 12.9 vs. 9.7 inches, but there’s much more to it. The price difference is $200, which is not small change, but less important in the overall scheme of things. I am buying one or the other—and I am asking you folks who own an iPad Pro to weigh in and tell us which model you bought and why.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 07, 2016

The Classic Car Club Manhattan. What could possibly be a more appropriate venue for a product launch event by a company that’s done an amazing job of capturing classic, retro lines in its X-100 and X-Pro series cameras? We’re talking about Fujifilm, of course, and the product that was launched at the CCCM is the exciting new Fujifilm X-T2.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 30, 2016

As a Shutterbug reader, you know how to shoot fireworks. But what do you say to your friends and kinfolk when they ask you for advice? Simple—just send them the link to this article. It’s a nice, relatively short list of 10 tips for photographing aerial pyrotechnics. Because after all, there’s more to fireworks than what meets the sky. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 24, 2016

No, we’re not cooking color slides and film negatives in a pop-up toaster like Eggo waffles. The FilmToaster is a device that enables you to create digital image files from virtually any size film or transparency up to 4x5. You supply the DSLR and macro lens. If you have a shoebox full of family negs like many of us do, prepare to bring those old images back to life. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 16, 2016

The folks who brought you PortraitPro, the software that turns average looking men and women into superstars (or as John Oliver might say, “Turns ones into tens faster than a South American counterfeiter”) now brings you LandscapePro, a similar application you should think of as “cosmetic surgery for Mother Nature.” But is this a case of “liking what you get,” or “getting exactly what you like?” That, my friends, is the $59 question

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 10, 2016

The big news about the Leica M-D (Typ 262) is what it doesn’t have. It does not have autofocus. It does not provide through-the-lens viewing. And it’s not compatible with any zoom lens. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 01, 2016

In my review of the original Platypod Pro I suggested that it was “Quite possibly the coolest camera support around.” Well, here’s news: it just got bigger—and better. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 26, 2016

Every once in awhile I discover a photo bag or backpack and something just clicks. It becomes part of my routine—my “go to bag” when I have somewhere to go to. So if you’ll kindly overlook my dangling preposition, I’ll tell you about three bags I don’t want to be without. 
