Nature Photography How To

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Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 19, 2020  |  0 comments

If photographer Mark Denney had to pick only one lens for his landscape photography it would be, without question, his 16-35mm wide angle zoom lens. Over the years, the 16-35 has helped Denney capture the vast majority of his landscape images.

Jimmy Arcade  |  Feb 07, 2020  |  0 comments

I am a landscape photographer who has had no formal training in photography. Some photographers know—early on in their lives—that they were born to be photographers. I, on the other hand, was a late bloomer and didn’t know what I wanted to do until well after my college years.

Henry Anderson  |  Feb 04, 2020  |  0 comments

Have you ever wondered how to take awesome photographs of waterfalls? In the below video, landscape photographer Mads Peter Iversen shares nine tips on how to capture stunning images of waterfalls.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 21, 2020  |  0 comments

One of the challenges of landscape photography is creating images that stand out from the rest. But in this eye-opening tutorial you’ll learn how to do just that—with three simple tips for capturing abstract landscape and nature images.

Joshua Snow  |  Dec 23, 2019  |  0 comments

Growing up in the Northeastern United States, surrounded by the Great lakes and the Finger lakes, winters were always brutally cold and wet. That is, until I experienced real winter; gale-force winds, dangerously low temperatures, and snow. Lots of snow…

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 11, 2019  |  0 comments

When he was just starting out as a landscape photographer, Mark Denney received some advice he'll never forget. In the below video, Denney shares that advice in hopes it will help beginner photographers as it did him back in the day.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 04, 2019  |  0 comments

There are lots of ways to sharpen your images in Lightroom but do you know the best methods? In the below video, photographer Mark Denney shares what he says are the "five best ways to sharpen your landscape photos in Lightroom."

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 02, 2019  |  0 comments

How do you determine whether a photo you shot is good or bad? This is the eternal question for many photographers trying to separate "the wheat from the chaff" during the grueling editing process.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 20, 2019  |  0 comments

At Shutterbug, we try to share the best photography tips, how-tos, and advice on the Internet. But not everything you hear on the web will be good advice. (Big surprise, right?)

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 19, 2019  |  0 comments

Making mistakes as a photographer is not a crime. Not correcting those mistakes, however, can lead to a life of photographic mediocrity.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 29, 2019  |  0 comments

There are no shortcuts to improving as a landscape photographer but knowing a few simple things certainly helps. And in the below video from landscape photographer Mads Peter Iversen, he shares five "secrets" he says you must know if you want to get better at shooting landscapes.

Deborah Sandidge  |  Oct 04, 2019  |  0 comments

On my recent visit to Africa as a photo tour pro, I decided to capture the beauty and the wildlife of the Serengeti totally mirrorless. Considering my recent move to the format, the trip was confirmation of how committed I am to it, as I took only my mirrorless Nikon Z cameras—three of them, in fact: my Z6, Z7, and the Z7 I had converted to infrared. Yes, I'm all in.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 11, 2019  |  0 comments

What are the best settings for landscape photography? As always with these types of questions, there is no real right or wrong answer. The best camera settings are, obviously, the ones that work best for you.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 10, 2019  |  0 comments

Photographer Mads Peter Iversen says he can improve your landscape photography in five simple steps. All it takes is a better understanding of image composition and you'll see you landscape photos improve dramatically.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 30, 2019  |  0 comments

Landscape photographer Mark Denney recently stumbled across an old file on an old computer that contained his "favorite" images from his early days as a landscape photographer. It was an eye-opening experience for him, to say the least.
