Nature Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  Mar 16, 2023  |  0 comments

A lot goes into making landscape images that look as spectacular on the computer as they did through the viewfinder, and one common challenge is capturing foliage with realistic, vibrant colors.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 12, 2023  |  0 comments

Hot spots and highlight blowouts are the bane of portrait photographers and others. They can occur with images shot in the studio under artificial illumination, as well as those captured with natural light outdoors. Fortunately there’s a simple and effective Photoshop fix, as you’ll see in the quick tutorial below.

Ron Leach  |  May 30, 2023  |  0 comments

If your landscape photos lack the impact, color and drama you envision—and you're not sure what to do—the tutorial below from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel is just what you need. In this quick video you'll learn a straightforward Lightroom technique for transforming good images into great ones.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 13, 2024  |  0 comments

This 10-minute Lightroom lesson from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel explains the importance of proper tonal adjustments when editing landscape photographs that appear boring and dull—an uninspiring look you want to avoid at all costs.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 27, 2023  |  0 comments

One variable that can make or break a photo is how the color in your scene is represented. Typically, the goal is natural-looking tones (unless a special effect is what you're after). And that's OK too.

One variable that can make or break a photo is how the color in your scene is represented. Typically, the goal is natural-looking tones (unless a special effect is what you're after). And that's OK too.


When making color adjustments in post-processing, Saturation plays a big role, whether you're after a realistic representation or something more unusual. We have some good news for those of you who use the Curves Adjustment tool to refine Saturation: Earlier this month Adobe added a very small adjustment that can pay big dividends by tackling a common problem with this approach.


Instructor Matt Kloskowski is a specialist in all things Adobe, who says his goal is "to provide straightforward tutorials to help photographers get the results they've always wanted," and this episode fits the bill. He jumps right in to Lightroom's Tone Curve panel and demonstrates how the new capability works.


Kloskowski begins by demonstrating the most common approach, that involves boosting the highlights and mid-tones a bit and then dropping the shadows by grabbing the relevant points on the Curve. This method, unfortunately, often results in oversaturation.


But here's the trick, now you'll find a simple Refine Saturation slider beneath the Curves graph that simplifies the fix because it's no longer necessary to employ Blend modes to get Saturation right. Kloskowski uses a tight shot of a vibrant hummingbird against a green background to demonstrate how easy this is to do.


This quick trick works with all sorts of photos, and Kloskowski pulls up a pretty seascape scene to prove this point. As you'll see, in this case he's able to retain the desired amount of contrast, without oversaturating the shot—simply by moving the slider. Whether you prefer light pastel colors, or a more vibrant look, the new tool gets the job done in a hurry.


After watching the video how about pulling up a few images you've already processed and see what you can create by using Kloskowski's advice. We think you may be surprised at how simple and effective this is to do.


You can find a wide range of editing tips and tricks on Kloskowski's instructional YouTube channel, so be sure to take a look.


We also recommend watching the tutorial we posted from another accomplished pro, with an in-camera technique for using complimentary colors to capture eye-popping photographs.


Ron Leach  |  Oct 11, 2023  |  0 comments

If you're a landscape photographer who strives to capture great images in the camera, rather than resorting to post-processing, the quick tutorial below is just what you need. In barely 10 minutes you'll learn what an accomplished pro says are the three lens filters you need, and how to use them.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 21, 2021  |  0 comments

When improving soft images during the editing process there’s a big difference between sharp, crisp, and crispy. Do things properly and you’ll achieve realistic sharp results. But make a common mistake and you’ll turn an otherwise nice shot into a crispy, ugly mess.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 15, 2022  |  1 comments

If you’re having trouble nailing exposure and ask a few friends for help, you’re likely to be told, “it’s time you mastered Manual mode.” While that’s certainly an option, there’s another (and often easier) way to consistently achieve perfectly exposed photos.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 15, 2022  |  0 comments

We recently featured a tutorial demonstrating how to create jaw-dropping landscape photos with Lightroom’s oft-ignored Calibration tool. That lesson got a lot of attention, and we have an equally great one for you below.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 20, 2022  |  0 comments

OK, listen up: Todays topic is “bokeh balls” and we don’t want any off-color comments! So what exactly are bokeh balls, and how to they affect your images? Simply put, they are spherical out-of-focus highlights that add interest and impact to all sorts of photos.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 06, 2022  |  0 comments

The best images immediately grab a viewer’s attention and direct their eyes through a scene. In the tutorial below you’ll learn a simple compositional trick for creating photographs with maximum impact

Ron Leach  |  Aug 18, 2022  |  0 comments

 If you’re struggling to properly exposure complicated outdoor photos join the club! Many landscape scenes involve a wide range of tones from bright highlights to deep shadows, and it can be difficult knowing where to start.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 15, 2022  |  0 comments

Understanding depth of field is a crucial factor in achieving the best possible images, particularly when shooting complicated outdoor scenes that include objects from foreground to background and everything in between.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 17, 2023  |  0 comments

Today were going to discuss a tool that many experienced landscape shooters consider the pound-for-pound champion of photographic accessories, and it's the dollar-for-dollar champ too. If your guess is the affordable polarizing filter, you just scored a knockout.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 16, 2021  |  0 comments

Wide-angles lenses are an important component of a landscape photographer’s arsenal, because they make it easy to capture the splendor of expansive vistas. In this tutorial you’ll learn a specific application for wide-angle nature photography; namely, shooting beautiful sunset and blue hour images.
