Upgrading to a Pro Camera? Here’s What You Need to Know (VIDEO)

If you’re a regular visitor to our website you know that many of the tutorials we post are designed to improve your skills and help you “shoot like a pro.” And sometimes that means upgrading to a camera with pro-level features.

For those of you thinking about making the investment, the quick video below from Adorama TV is an absolute must—as one of our favorite pros offers some great advice for making an informed decision on the camera that best suits your needs.

Based in NY, David Bergman shoots everything from sports and concert photos to celebrity portraits. In this episode of the popular “Ask David Bergman” series, he replies to a fan asking, “What tips do you have for people upgrading from a prosumer camera to a professional one.”

In barely 11 minutes Bergman covers a lot of ground, so you may want to have pen and paper handy and jot down a few notes. He begins by describing the difference between amateur and pro cameras, and dispels a popular misconception that the latter are more difficult to use.

Bergman provides a very helpful rundown of the key features in high-end cameras that you’ll find most helpful for improving your imagery. After several tips for using these pro camera capabilities, Bergman explains how to customize a new camera for the type of shooting you do most.

If you’re still on the fence about making the leap, Bergman also provides a checklist that will help you decide if it’s time for an upgrade. And part of that discussion involves a quick explanation of why pros like Bergman invest in professional gear.

After watching the video, be sure to visit the “Ask David Bergman” website to get his take on common photography questions (or even ask a few of your own). You’ll also find more helpful tutorials on the Adorama TV YouTube channel.