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This photograph isn't what it seems to be. I was walking on 19th Avenue in San Francisco and I notice two guys who were eating what looks like burritos. Hot sauce was tripping on to the sidewalk from the burritos as they ate. It had the appearance of blood to me. I thought this would make a interesting photo. As I walked around the neighborhood waiting for the two guys to leave I thought the photo needed something dramatic to make it look like more like a crime scene. There was a discarded sneaker laying on the ground I thought this would be the perfect prop for the photo. I picked the sneaker up took it to the area where the hot sauce/blood was and placed it on the sidewalk as seen in the photo. Using the clone stamp in Photoshop I added the hot sauce/blood too the sneaker. I chose the title for the photo to give something like a 50's Film-Noir movie title.
Camera Canon EOS 7D, lens Canon EF-S 17-55mm, time 1/200, lens at 17.0mm, f2.8 ISO 100