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$tylephoto's picture

I like this one L911.
The "her" is my question? Without having to go back and look, I remember the falling off the cliff image. Same gal, right? Anyone willing to create scene photography is a good person. (y)

lizard911's picture

Thanks $tyle :) Her and I are jewelers , photography is one of my hobbies and I think she is a beautiful subject. We like to go out and get different shots and poses of her every once and awhile. I am no pro but she likes my work and lets me play with her The falling off the cliff image has her body frame with a different friends face imposed on it.

$tylephoto's picture

Well done then. I surely didn't catch that, good job. :)

buttercup's picture

Nice to see you 911.I love the cat in the background,it adds an extra "umph".The whole pic.
falls together very well. BC

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