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The time that I get to enjoy my photography hobby is often very limited. I try to enhance my odds at taking quality images by researching locations, weather patterns, moon and sunset phases prior to even venturing out. However, with all of that said, it often comes down to just being lucky sometimes and that's exactly how I was able to capture this image. On a recent family vacation to Disney, this shot materialized as I was beginning to have dinner at a restaurant adjacent to Cinderella's Castle. As we entered the restaurant I saw that the sky was darkening as a rainstorm approached, to my wife's chagrin I decided to skip dinner to capture the moment. Just as I was setting up it began to drizzle but the sun also started to peak out from beneath the clouds. Thankfully it was not a total washout and I was able to capture a truly magical moment at the Magic Kingdom! (Canon 5D Mark iii with a Canon 16-35mm lens at 16mm with a 6-stop ND filter. Settings = 6 Sec, F10 & ISO 50)