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One of the main reasons why I decided to go to China was to visit the Chengdu Research Base of the Giant Panda Breeding located in Chengdu. I have been wanting to see Giant Pandas for many years since discovering the National Zoo's Giant Panda webcam. It was incredible to see these glorious animals eating bamboo and climbing trees. I wish we could have spent more time here instead of the three hours we were alotted.
Canon Rebel T1i
Canon EFS 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
ISO: 1000
Focal Length: 154mm
Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/160
Handheld camera.
Photo was edited for saturation and vibrancy using Apple's Aperture.
(1 vote)

Giant Panda in a Tree
Photographer: Eric D Lipschutz
lipscer | Mar 12, 2018
Views: 135
Dimensions: 2097x1398
Size: 762kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Amazing Animals