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There is often a lot of discussion regarding Frank Gehry's architecture, both positive and negative. However, having had the opportunity to photograph many of his structures I am always in awe of them and feel like he constructed them with photographers in mind. This image was taken on a recent trip to Los Angeles of the Disney Concert Hall. I woke up at 4:30 AM to make sure that I arrived before the heavy foot-traffic started. I took over 250 images of the building that morning but I really feel that this image was made for B&W because of the many contrasting tones of mid, darks and highlights. If you've never visited this building in person, I strongly suggest it, it's a true work of art.
Canon 5D Mark iii - Canon 16-35 F4 lens @ 20mm, F9, 1/6th sec, ISO 125 and a Hoya circular polarizer