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Nikon D7000
Nikkor 35-70mm 3.3-4.5 zoom lens at 38mm
1/20 sec.
ISO: 200
I had an assignment from a photo group that I was participating in to find a creative way to photograph my own hand. As I was contemplating this, I came across French photographer Robert Doisneau’s “bread rolls” shot of Picasso, which served as my inspiration for this self-portrait.
I couldn’t find any suitable bread rolls at a local bakery, so I went to the grocery and bought some Pillsbury Crescent rolls for the shot. I tried shooting it with arms at my sides, as Doisneau did with Picasso, but couldn’t get it to look right, so I settled on what you see here. I used Nik Capture NX2 to convert the image to black and white, and to do the blending between my wrist and the crescent roll “fingers.”
The use of black and white was a necessity here in order to match the toning between my wrist and the crescent rolls.