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Brian_D_Watters's picture

Excessively low rating without a comment by an unregistered user. Hmmm... not that's something I hope doesn't become a habit here.
I'll be deleting this image and upload again to see if constructive criticism will accompany future ratings. :)

arthurpreston's picture

I happened to like it. i'm just learning photoshop, and i hope i can do work this good soon.

buttercup's picture

i think it's very original and pretty cool.i feel photography is an art that comes from w/in the photographer...imagination,an open mind to wherever that imagination takes us.when we show/
bear ourselves in this particular way,for me it is humbling.but you know what,people other than my circle are seeing my work and it's awesome,frightening and thrilling. sorry about the lecture.your photo is great.

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